Dozekar : raid version no show

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Morghus, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    My guild tried to clear the Betrayal in the Underdepths, however Dozekar does not appear to spawn, at all.
    Also, we ran into an issue, where only some people in the raid could see and hail Elder Yelnar. Is there any clue as to why this would happen?
  2. ARCHIVED-Dishlaw2003 Guest

    We had the same issue last night on CB. Walked into the room, got a red message about something speeding from the darkness and then nothing.
  3. ARCHIVED-Seram Guest

    Same for us; he simply did not spawn at all after the red message. The NPC giving the Tradeskill Assistant quest was also not visible for some of the people.
  4. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    He finally showed today when we went in, however only a few people can still see Elder Yelnar, and only one person in the whole raid got the achievement for killing him. As well, the voice-overs for both the heroic and raid version appeared to be no longer working.
  5. ARCHIVED-Vortix Guest

    On Freeport we haven't had any problems seeing Dozekar; however, we've had the same problem with Elder Yelnar not showing up for mostly everyone, as well as only one person in the raid gets achievement credit for killing Dozekar.