Dominating Torque of Yisaki

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Xyno, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Xyno Member

    I was happy to get my first etherical item ( but the procs on it are not as good a expected. Why I get more attack speed or 5 MA more? I reforge attack speed (if it's possible) and I have over 775 MA solo - so the proc on this etherical scout item is a joke. A proc for higher solo or group Crit Bonus buff would make more sense. I don't think that I am the only scout with that opinion. So if you agree, let me know in the comments. The more there are, the higher the probability will be that the developers take care of it!
  2. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    You get a 40% ae auto proc on a neck item. It's as powerful as it should be.
  3. Glassjaw Active Member

    Why are you turning your nose up from a 40% ae auto proc doesn't make any sense. The ethereal items are rare sure but it is not at all hard to obtain them whether it's group instances, St contested (which the drop rates of ethereal there are great) or solo instances. These items are more powerful than they already should be in relation to the level of difficulty to obtain them.
  4. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    The neck is arguably best in slot because of it's proc.
  5. Xyno Member

    Yes - I have currently equipped the ethereal neck item. But that's for leveling a green adornement. For raids I prefer to use "The Eye of Theldek"( till I get "The Crest of the Ancient Warder" (
    To my opinion all current procs on "Domination Torque of Yisaki" could be removed, if something like Deathcall II or Tactical Will IV would be added.
    I agree that you can get an ethereal item by farming a lot the Open ST dungeon but at least you have to be lucky. If you have a raidcom and you kill some special bosses, the probability is much better to get the preferd item. So - long story short - I would prefer to have a proc like previous described on the etheral item. If you check this dissussion board you can also see that there exist an ethereal priest neck item ( with a Crit Bonus proc - so let us change these stats.
  6. Rhita Active Member

    Or not. As a scout, its nice to hit 100% AE auto without having to reforge a bunch of stats. CB is on tons of gear with tons of CB procs. So an AoE auto proc is a nice addition.