Does Reaver Proc on Each Mob when using AE Spells?

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-Majin_MLF, May 26, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Majin_MLF Guest

    Or is it just per spell, instead of per target? i.e. when you fight against 5 mobs - are you healed for 10% or only by 2% ?
  2. ARCHIVED-Macross_JR Guest

    each target the spell hits.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zutan Guest

    Definitely seems to be each mob it hits, but it does seem to me that some of my abilities do not proc reaver at all. Maybe that is intended?
  4. ARCHIVED-Orthureon Guest

    Majin_MLF wrote:
    It is per mob. I believe they haven't fixed Pestilence yet, as it does not proc Reaver IIRC.
  5. ARCHIVED-Majin_MLF Guest

    yes, i was mostly refering to Unending Agony - it hits every 4 sec - so every 4 sec im healed for each mob? or only once?
  6. ARCHIVED-ykaerflila Guest

    it only procs once per cast dots will not trigger with each tick. Also it only procs on spell casts our CA's dont trigger it.
  7. ARCHIVED-Majin_MLF Guest

    well, after studying the combat log i dont get whats so great about this skill, even when fighting 5-10 mobs at once it rarely triggers - might be that we dont have enough spells - anyway at lvl20 with 22 aa i fail to see the usefulness currently
  8. ARCHIVED-Stabnes Guest

    Majin_MLF wrote:
    2% heal is very good and besides it also gives +5% to your spelldamage (spells and CA's I thought).
    Thats really significant and therefore a must have for SK's!