Divine Stats Not Account Wide

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zorgo, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. Zorgo New Member

    My 120 dirge, Zorago, test server is a boosted character from the xpac with 100/100 divine stats. He has completed Days of Summer 2017 1-6, bought and consumed the available divine potencies from the vendor.
    My 80 monk, Jumbelly, test server shows no divine stats. Not even the 35-40ish divine potency from the usable vendor item (used by Zorago).
    On another account, My 120 bruiser, Piebelly, test server, boosted from xpac, 100/100 divine stats. My 73 dirge, Balladim, same account - no stats.

    Niami DenMother responded to my Discord post and suggested I re-post here with character names as her understanding is that the stats should be account wide and available on all characters.
  2. Zorgo New Member

    *They are both paid accounts - well, the Piebelly account is running out at the end of this month I believe, but the Zorago account is all access.
  3. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    Just make sure I am understanding the issue. I have two accounts (mine - 24 toons, Divine Stats from my main are shared with all the alts on that account, my wife's account - one toon - my account Divine Stats do not share with her account).

    This is how it should be working.
  4. Zorgo New Member

    Thanks but, nope - that's not what I'm asking/saying. But yes, that is how it SHOULD work (was not asking about account to account sharing - just alts on the same accounts)

    Neither of my accounts are sharing divine stats with their respective alts.

    Account 1: 120 from a boost token with 100/100 in all 3 stats - no other toon on that account is showing the stats except a lvl 110, also from a boost token.

    Account 2: 120 from a boost token with 100/100 in all 3 stats - no other toon on that account is showing the stats except a lvl 110, also from a boost token.
  5. Jalathan Active Member

    maybe something to do with it being on the test server?

    I know I've seen the boosts on various servers, including both US and EU servers. I've never tried Test though...
  6. Zorgo New Member

    Do you mean you've seen characters on US and EU servers that used a 120 or 110 token and that opened Divine stats on all characters?
  7. Jalathan Active Member

    I started a character today on EU and it had all my bonuses from the US servers.
  8. Jalathan Active Member

    and I do have some characters who have used a 110 leveler and I've not seen an issue in the past.