Divine Light Nerfed...What the Deuce Dev's

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Daalilama, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Drdope New Member

    I wouldn't mind this too much provided they allow DL to apply to Raid or Group Friend rather than just Group Friend.
  2. Earar Well-Known Member

    I agree, when I play my tank I see the difference, with a shaman, u get time to retake aggro from dps and you fear less coz your life doesn't play ping pong. you feel secure.

    I then did another T1 zone, and ... mmmm with a fury .. and it was hardcore. there was dead members in most fights. I don't think I'm the best tank, that I have enough potency or have the best gear, so sometimes taking aggro back is hard and with a fury, usually the member drops dead. plus sometimes u are just OS. And when you look at the parse and see you got hit for 11 million when u have 9 million ... not much a non shaman can do :)

    and as a warden, it's the same. Healing the tank is ok .. I usually over heal so I always have HoTs on him and on the team, but if a member doesn't have enough HP takes aggro or is hit by AoE ... for too much. Can't do a thing except rez. I was so mad last night that the tank (a zerk who can't hold aggro and plays offensive) asked for a second healer in reaver's remnant. during the torch fights, adds that popped always went on the dps and they were dead. It just made me feel so bad, asking for another heal was like telling me I couldn't do my job, and I think I'll never play with that zerk again ^^.
    I feel I'm a good healer when there's nothing to heal.

    plus shamans will always benefit of higher potency. druids and clerics are capped with HP. I have only 13k pot with my warden and bringing a tank to full life only requires 1 heal ... can't blame. But then there are all the ticks that are wasted. At least I get pseudo little wards with the defensive prestige line

    so I understand how u feel when DBG nerfs something that could have made u better. u really wonder if they'll do anything to fix the issue
  3. Earar Well-Known Member

    to me right now the biggest problem, especially with heals is potency.
    having only 1 stat not capped and being in a way ... infinite with the tithe bonus is a pain for balance.

    when you know the max stats are for exemple 4k crit bonus and 20k potency and 600k ab mod, you could balance hard content with those stats in mind and how they increase the damage of ancient or GM spells. same, you could balance heals and wards and damage done by mobs.

    when you have an "infinite" stat, but you still need to make hard content for HC players while letting casuals play ... it becomes a mess.

    see spectral market. see raids now that they added mitigation to T2 mobs because of the epic 2. so the "casual" raid guilds may not be able to kill mobs they could previously just because not all their members are Epic 2 equiped.
    on the other end they try to lower dps by doing low dps check on mobs (where u get wiped if u dps too much)

    things just become stupid.

    you are punished for not having enough stats but sometimes you are punished for having too many of it. you are also

    and for healers they added max HP % damages or bleedthrough because of the way potency right now works, otherwise shamans would be too strong, since their wards are not capped either while other heals are capped by HP bars.

    and certainly that's why they changed the cleric ward so it couldn't crit ... because otherwise templars and their new ward epic spell could become OP (though would templar be able to compete with shamans ??)

    so I feel (personal opinion of course ;) ) that not having capped some stats over others is a really bad decision, and it's ruining some classes and even some playstyles. But I'm no game developpeur :)
    Zelox likes this.
  4. Zelox Active Member

    mechanics for healers has been terrible since SF-ish