Discuss GU #64 PvP Abilities/AA Changes

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Seliri, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    Seliri wrote:
    For once I agree with you sel, don't tell anyone
    I don't understand half the nerfs place on all the healers, you have druids with fast casting speed and decent reuse, but you look at a cleric and shaman, there casting speed is horrid, so why would you put them on a slow reuse, clerics can barely even use there group and single target reactive for the reason it doesn't count multple attacks being used, so you take out two heals that almost go worthless, then you got the point blank heals, that also cast slow, I understand a few healers getting a bat but not all the healers

    Side thought- Some of the mit decrease I can slighty agree with, but why would you do it to a leather wearing class? When I saw that I wasn't sure if it was pvp only or pve and pvp....