Disable "Take all" on loot crates, thank you

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Pixiewrath, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Pixiewrath Active Member

    I just spent about an half hour or so doing ST [Advanced Solo] just to find out that if you choose "Take all" on the crates, you only open one but the other(s) are lost...

    I wrote about it in the general chat and it sounds like SoE is aware of this. And if they are, why don't add a warning about it as you log in to the game so people are aware of it?

    Can't the "loot all" button just become disabled when it contains a container of some kind to avoid this issue?

    Or is there some other fix planned for this?

    Personally I don't like looting crates since it feels cheap compared to looting from real chests. Kind of ruins the excitement when you don't see what level the chest that drops is:

    Small wooden chest: "Recipe or quest item?"
    Normal treasure chest: "Ugh...."
    Ornate chest: "Ohh... I wonder what it is? Something usable?"

    That's kind of lost with the crate system.

    If these are implemented to avoid SLR on the items, wouldn't it be better to just fix the SLR mechanism instead so we don't have to deal with this inconvenient way to loot stuff?

    Nothing wrong with the classic chest drop mechanisms, really. They make the game more exciting.
  2. Regolas Well-Known Member

    You get more than one crate in ST? I thought the only HM one was WE....
  3. Hoosierdaddy Active Member


    Not for long.

    I'm glad the inconvenience of having to select each chest and "Loot Item" was worth it going back to one chest.

    Was nice while it lasted...
  4. Regolas Well-Known Member


    Will have a look later. Although it is one of the longer instances so maybe it's intended.

    WE you can often train to the end mob without killing anything, so it takes 5 minutes (assuming you don't get knocked off a ledge!) to do the zone and get the 3 crates.
  5. Pixiewrath Active Member

    I was talking about the Advanced Solo version. And you can definitely not just speedrun that since you need to kill all bosses to reach the end.

    You can also get three crates in Wurmbone's End [Advanced Solo] if you do the challenge mode boss, but if you click "take all", then all crates but one are forfeit since (I think) the game can only open one loot window at once, and the boxes self-destruct upon looting them. This is a serious issue for those that aren't aware of it.