Not A Bug Disable Cosmetic Pets - Combat Target Issue - Tarinax PVP

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Ecno, Jul 30, 2022.

  1. Ecno Well-Known Member

    Category: Mechanics
    SubCategory: Combat
    Severity: Affects gameplay
    Frequency: Always Happens

    Players are deliberately using cosmetic pets as a means to prevent targeting macros and commands from being able to work during PVP combat. Each player can have multiple pets spawned with names of their group members. When you attempt to /Ta (target) or an Alias you will get their cosmetic pet instead.

    Targeting in PVP shouldnt be a chore and there shouldnt be cosmetic pets interfering with the ability of players to pick their targets at free will. The only defense against targeting should be tank taunts etc.

    This has been a longstanding issue and there are two options... personally I prefer option A or C. Whatever is easiest for the devs and gets the job done.

    A) - Block all cosmetic pets from being named any players name on the server. This would allow players to still have their cosmetic pets but also fix the issue.

    B) - Disable cosmetic pets from being enabled on the server.

    C) - Change how /ta and alias target macros work so they cannot be used to target cosmetic pets.

    Thank you
    Wocunu1 and Twyla like this.
  2. Wocunu1 New Member

    yes, would be nice to get rid of these.. with specific cosmetic pets you can have 5+ pets out and its just a massive advantage in targeting.
  3. Strings Well-Known Member

    Did they do something to change combat pets? I'm getting the "Your inactivity will cause your pet to back off shortly" after 2 minutes 30 seconds. I don't want to create a thread.
  4. Twyla Well-Known Member

    No, they didn't change it. If you stand still too long your pet gets bored. I found if I move after it backs off it goes back to how I had it set up, usually, double check that. The char I have a pet on that this happens to happens to be a provisioner, cooking takes a while :rolleyes: usually I don't have to click it into activity again. The easiest solution I have for it is if I know I will be standing still for a while is dismiss it then recall when I'm ready to run around again...or take a step, just one is necessary, every so often.
    Strings likes this.