Dirges, how hard do you rock?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Tinkersparky, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tinkersparky Guest

    We're the bad boy/girl rockstars in this game, right? So how hard do you rock? How long is your mullet? I wish we could rock out our toons more. I'd love to look more like my sig...but a gnome...whatever.

    I want evil metal to play in the background when I bust out Bria's...I want flashpots and tiny Stonhenge statues...and midgets...really small midgets (cause I'm a midget already). I want an ocean of marshall amps. I want GROUPIES! I know we have some borked songs and stuff, but I'd give it all up for a /headbang.

  2. ARCHIVED-Avocet Guest

    I have the tousled hair look for dark elves. Black with white streaks. Also, when I have an axe equipped as a weapon, and I play bria's, I actually play my "axe" (So funny to see the axe head sticking out the end of my lute. I'm RAWKING so hard!)
  3. ARCHIVED-Laureous Guest

    Bald, albino ogre... I think I could pass for Marilyn Manson...if he ate a Volvo.

    FAT is where its at.
  4. ARCHIVED-Tinkersparky Guest

    Well it's good to know there are a couple other hard-rockin' dirges out there. I'm actually gonna try the "axe" trick. I went with the gnome three-pointed mohawk, but I still want more rock.

    Like a /devilhorns would totally rule too.
  5. ARCHIVED-Donte Guest

    Qeynos Ratonga with more jewelry than you could shake a Fender at. and the eye patch. :smileywink:
  6. ARCHIVED-Tinkersparky Guest

    I am very disappointed by the amount of rock you people have shown so far. Please work on it. Please?

    Don't come back until you rock at least this hard:
  7. ARCHIVED-pheonyxe Guest

    I Rock Haaaard :)

    Being a troll dirge, my face is all done up with Metal shiny bits, and pins through the eyes, and I am wearing chainmail. Very industrial/gothic.

    I am known to bust out my instruments and play such classics as:
    Highway to Halas
    Sweet Home Karanas
    Stairway to HighHold
    Thundering Struck
    " cause I'm in freeeeeport now " (to the tune of Freebird)
    Jingle Gnolls (when festive)
    Do you Feerrott Like I Do?
    SunkenCity Bloody SunkenCity

    I have more but cant remember them right now and cant find my list :)

    BeefStick Malone
    28th Troll Dirge Sex Symbol
    Lucan D'Lere
  8. ARCHIVED-Ginnsu Guest

    I rock so hard, I'm super-fly TNT. And I can even cut through this tin can!!!


    Greyish Ogre with knots in my hair, purple eyes, and a flock of groupie half-elves that would make Jimmy Page and Robert Plant blush.

    Favorite songs I seranade with are:

    The Immigrant Song ( http://users.wolfcrews.com/toys/vikings/ ) em makes goathorns and bangs his head

    Dirty Limiricks (various)
    Songs about food (mostly dwarf chops and gnome crunchies.... Mmmmmmmm EXTRA crunchie)
    Tiptoe through the Tulips - Tiny Tim
    Happy Birthday (Ginssu isn't too bright- he thinks everyday is his birthday)
    Play that funky music white boy - Wild Cherry (Mmmmmm... Cherries)

    You get the idea

    Ginssu the Ogrish Bard (Dirge to be)
    'I'm filled with Gleeeeeeee!'
    Message Edited by Ginnsu on 12-20-2004 10:24 PM
    Message Edited by Ginnsu on 12-20-2004 10:29 PM
  9. ARCHIVED-LincolnLogs Guest

    Tinkersparky you set a high standard! How do you expect anyone to meet the rockin level of an 80's hair band? Its just not possible and can only lead to dissillusion and despair. I myself am currently trying to rock as hard as the Beegees, which seems a more realistic goal.
  10. ARCHIVED-Doloism Guest

    dirges should look like this:
  11. ARCHIVED-Tinkersparky Guest

    The overlord approves of Dimmu Borgir...
  12. ARCHIVED-Rungar Guest

    i agree with dolism, that is exactly what my dirge should look like.

    get rid my my banjo and give me a real axe tom play my tunes.
  13. ARCHIVED-Phrost Guest

    hey should import /bang and /airguitar from SWG ;)
  14. ARCHIVED-Laureous Guest

    The dial on my amps go to 11.
  15. ARCHIVED-Tinkersparky Guest

    There we go!!!

  16. ARCHIVED-Avocet Guest

  17. ARCHIVED-Lornick Guest

    I don't really picture my dirge as a heavy metal singer. More like a rebel who's seen everyone he's ever cared about die and now can only sing depressing, angry, vengeful music. Heavy metal just seems to 'happy'. Especially that crap from the '80's. I'm not sure what RL music to compare his stuff to.
  18. ARCHIVED-Avocet Guest


    R.I.P Dimebag.

    Edit: Can't BELIEVE I got Dimebag wrong. He will be missed.
    Message Edited by Avocet on 12-26-2004 01:13 AM
  19. ARCHIVED-Meadsong Guest

    I am an Ayr'Dal Ginger minger with a set of pinkish armour. Hmmm.. maybe like Prince, I kind of rock.

    "I don't know, what are the hours?"
  20. ARCHIVED-Morganth Guest

    Yeah, my toon kinda looks like the other guy from Wham.