Dirge Powere regen..?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Aranieq, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Aranieq Guest

    Hi, Coercer here just wanting info:
    I don't know anything really about dirge's so I apologize in advanced if this silly...

    AT master lvls what is you're regen abilities?
    Untill cancelled group or raid buffs:
    Short durations that require upkeep:
    Reactive power regens (ie DoT, DS types):

    and mostly their stacking ability with earch other and if anyone knows stacking ability with other classes...
    I've heard your master lvl is 37 on stackable regen, but for my personal knolegde 'd like a dirges confirmation... If there is a post allready about this thats fine too.

    Thnx in advance guys.
  2. ARCHIVED-perano Guest

    Bard's one single power regen as they progress in the levels. At level 55 Master I it is 37/tic, group buff untill cancled, stacks with all other non-bard power regens, bard power regens do not stack with each other.

    Bards get NO other single target or group powerregen of any kind, except troubadors get one single ability that will return ~100-170 power to the troubador, only. I believe the dirge's ability of the type is a life tap, that returns hp to the dirge.
  3. ARCHIVED-Aranieq Guest

    tyvm for the reply.
  4. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Read the description closely. Brias does not stack with coercers.
  5. ARCHIVED-perano Guest

    I will have to look at this again next time i log in. the amount of power regeneration alwasy seemed to be much higher when an enchanger was in group.
  6. ARCHIVED-Eniveld Guest

    It stacks, Increases in-combat power replenishment of the bard's group. This ability does stack with the enchanter's concentration group power replenishment spell.
  7. ARCHIVED-GnarlyDude Guest

    Yep, it does stack and being the stingy bard I am, if grouped with a chanter I will cancel my buff and opt for another buff (sometimes having Hyrans on both MT and myself).
  8. ARCHIVED-perano Guest

    I'm curious now the

    "stack with the enchanter's concentration group power replenishment spell."
    Does that include their other abilites that are just spells that give bonuses to power regen, or their spells that give power to members of the group. Because i know enchanters get a few differnt power regens and power feeds, just curious how that effects our power regen.
  9. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Ohhhh K thats a recent change then because I specifically remember it not stacking. Ok works for me
  10. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    The "not stacking" verbiage was removed the same day it was put in, on beta for DoF. It's always stacked on live since LU13.
  11. ARCHIVED-Anvilhead Guest

    Illusionist Power Regen comes in two forms:

    1) Breeze/Scintillating Aura/Insight line
    - This is the concentration slot buff the verbiage refers too. At adept III this is about 27 per tick.

    2) Devitalizing Stare - Drains power from an encounter and returns a portion of it to the party.

    (It's a level 48 spell. At Adept III, it's adds 20 power initially and an additional 20 every 4 secs for 24 seconds total) That's about a 23/tick boost for 24 seconds. The recast is 45 seconds, and so if you assume it's recast every chance, the average boost is about 18 power/tick approximately.

    That gives them a total of 44 /tick on average. 27/tick constant, and additional 23/tick every 45 seconds. Roughly.

    The Breeze Line does stack with bard regen, that's what the verbiage is referring too. I've not been able to notice a difference with the Devitalizing Stare line, and my conclusion is that it does not stack with Bard Regen.

    I'm not as familiar with the Coercer line, but I strongly suspect it's very similar.
  12. ARCHIVED-Aranieq Guest

    you guys are awesome... tyvm for the responses as well as the technical info to back stuff up as well.
    This is stemming from topics of course on coercer raiding roles, and of course that brings on a side "disscussion" about dirge / illusionist / coercer power regen, and you guys have been great in clearing up all the miscinceptions.
    If you care to know Coercer numbers for your references:
    Clarity+Mind's Eye is the bread and butter, with gorging thoughts during combat.
    (M1) Clarity is 31 + (M1) Mind's Eye is 10 = total 41 at any given time
    Gorging Thoughts (M1), which is 41 every 6s (equivalent as illusionist MoB power sapping spell) only supplying power to group during encounter of course.
    Mana cloak (Adept III) - (illusionist and Cpercer) +200power per hit taken (group spell but ussualy just the tank get the benefit)