differences between swash and brig?

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Cobbobles, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cobbobles Guest

    cant really find any sites that give skills for each class so I have really no idea what the difference between these two classes are...if anyone can fill me in that would be great

    (anyone else think swashbuckler sounds a little...eh..)
  2. ARCHIVED-AricLokar Guest

    Swashbuckler to me sounds like a fighter with flair, grace, flourish.

    Anyways to answer your question best site for all scout things is http://www.thescoutssanctuary.com/.

    They are really pretty much the same, seems to me that swashbucklers have a little more utility and a little less direct dmg. It would really be best to check the forums for each on the site above there is some great information there.