Did you know?

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Kayse, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kayse Guest

    That it's been 309 Days since a developer posted feedback in the illusionist forum.
    An interesting fact.

    Did you also know, that I have a Station Access Pass, and plan to use it to roll an Illy on the EQ2X servers.
    I'm willing to represent and stand out.

    *Halfling* playing any other dull class.
  2. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Kayse wrote:
    That first part is incorrect :)
  3. ARCHIVED-Wraths Guest

    Did you know that Guardians complained about their class at fan faire and they got a huge boost today while Illys got none and wont do so till GU58 which isn't slated to come out for over a month?? Because I thought it was humorous that Guards before the changes were doing more DPS than illys and are tanking a mob in the process....

    PS, I don't even have an illy. The wife does and I'm tired of seeing her do every bit of research on her class and getting out parsed by the TANKS ZW... And no, it's not because she doesn't know how to play her class, but ZW up to Waansu in Labs, the guard was at 20k, Pally at 23k dps.

    But sorry Illys, guards were "broke" so they needed their fix first.
  4. ARCHIVED-Amphimedon Guest

    It's even more absurd if you realise that SOE gives priority to 'fixing' guards (btw ... our MT Guard did very fine without the 'fix') while real bugs (like our pet dropping on zoning) still haven't been solved.
    but hey ... some dev spoke up some weeks ago saying the illy issues would be looked at, the illy population was pleased and remained silent since then ... guess it will take another couple of months (and another couple of illys quitting the game) until we see actually some changes to the class.
  5. ARCHIVED-cryilestrassa Guest

    It's quite simple really: SOE heavily favors melee classes versus casters. Period.
    There is no other reason that tanks--who have the GREATEST survivability--dps so high..., or why scout autoattack parses so high on its own, ...or why casters--who have the LEAST survivability and therefore should do the MOST damage--have to struggle to keep up button-smashing melee classes.
    And let's not even bring up things like crusaders getting AOE dispels which should obviously be enchanter-only.
    This whole situation started off stupid... and then turned to ridiculous... and which has now become something now for which I'm sorely lacking words.