Did veteran bonus get bugged

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by isest, May 24, 2014.

  1. isest Active Member

    Ok I got 12 level 95 characters, Veteran bonus used to be 200% the cap, after the last changes for xp my vet bonus shows 160%. Is this bugged or did they change the calculation?
  2. isest Active Member

    Well it must be really really bad lag, after I zoned it corrected it back to 200% does not make since but sometime you get odd bugs like that wen lagging.
  3. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Mine showed 180% vet bonus, and I have 18 chars on that account 95/340. I just assumed they changed it to 10% per char. I honestly didn't notice if it changed since I wasn't leveling anything.

    My guess is the calculations are still screwed up.