Devs please remove mercenary commands from gsay

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Lovidicus, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Lovidicus Active Member

    Simple suggestion: please remove the /mercenary attack command from group say. Why would "you send your mercenary in for the attack!" be part of group say anyways?

    I don't want my merc attaching every mob that looks at me. I don't want my merc rushing into rooms and getting more aggro that necessary because I'm body pulling.

    But to stop the merc from acting a fool you have to have them set to not protect or assist you. Which means you have to send them in to attack manually every time. That's fine. But I already have enough crap on my toolbars, I don't want another button just to send the merc.

    So I put the /merc attack command in a macro button with some attacks. So they just attack when I do. But that also means I'm constantly spamming myself in the group window with "You send your mercenary in for the attack!".
  2. Bladespirit Member

    yeah agreed. i have same spam problem also with pet command too.

    they need to improve pet and merc commands and chat filters for em.
    either add their own channel or tags.

    can't have my merc assist me via command is my biggest pain tho. drop down menu? ugh

    they don't want to add ability for more hotbars, one has to consolidate buttons into compiled macros which they say it causes lag. its catch22.
  3. Amaitae Active Member

    it's not classified as group chat. check (right click) chat options. I think it was classified as pet, so remove that chat category from the group chat window and it shouldnt be visible there any longer.