Develper's in new jobs so who do i pm for a _______ problem?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Ballads, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ballads Guest

    It seems there have been a few job changes and some reshuffling of developers working on certain area's. From the looks of it Illucide is now the NEW tradeskill Dev for example. I have always found it useful to pm devs with my concerns and problem instead of throwing them on the boards and hoping for a response from the right dev. Now im little confused as to whom to send my pm's to and even tho im sure who ever they are sent to they will be forwarded to the right person it would seem easier if you all could clarify who is doing what around there. So how about a who's who of developers for us. I'm sure they're might even be some new faces we have never even heard of.
  2. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Illucide is temporarily working on outstanding Tradeskill issues. He's not the permanent Tradeskill dev. So.. if he was your PM contact before, he would probably be the best to send to now. If it's not something in his pervue, I'm sure he'd send it along to someone else. I'm sure some of the dev shuffling is also to get them into viewing other parts of the game mechanics and not becoming fixated on only one aspect. That's healthy and will promote a longer life for the game.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ogrebear Guest

    The old tradeskill dev either no longer works at SOE or is working on another project (forget which). Though a lot of people where very hard on him.
  4. ARCHIVED-Echgar Guest

    I am not sure what this has to do with EverQuest II gameplay, so I am afraid I need to close this thread. In general though, per the Forum Rules of Conduct, "Things the Community Team and Development Team WILL MOST LIKELY NOT Respond To" [ul][li][/li][li]Private messages asking gameplay questions. When we can answer questions that are posted in discussion threads, we will. However, we will not reveal anything privately that we will not reveal in public. If you have questions, you should first read the FAQs or ask your fellow community members.[/li] [li]Private Messages asking for a response to a particular thread. We read as many threads on these boards as possible and respond to those to which we feel we can best contribute. Asking us to look at or respond to a certain thread will not cause us to answer a question that we otherwise wouldn't. [/li][/ul]