Demos Eyeken - Friend, loyal comapanion and Plank.

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-DemosEye, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-DemosEye Guest

    Human Paladin: Demos Eyeken

    Chapter I

    The past of the Eyeken family has not always been a prosperus one. Demos Eyeken, never one to be put down, had however convinced himself; and his township otherwise. The Eyeken family had no written history, no information or relics past through generations. Most of the information in fact, had come from Demos' own vivid imagination. He was no royal knight, not even a royal. He was mearly another man, much like his neighbour, or his neighbours neighbour.

    Demos had however, had many encounters with the Paladins of Qeynos, whether it be offering to be a stablehand, or even to carry ones armor. This however, was not out of good heartedness, but his dream. He wanted to be one of them. Noble, true to his word, a valiant paladin. He was none of the above, but he never let it show.

    As Demos grew older, and the walls of Qeynos expanded as trade routes continued to prosper, the Paladins of Qeynos grew to know Demos as one of their own. Little did they know of what was to occur in the next few days. This was to be the start of a journey that none of the Paladins of Qeynos could have dreamt up. This was the beginning of a whole new chapter in Norrath.

    Chapter II

    Demos fell, grazing most parts of his body in the past, this was not new to him.
    "Hehehe. Young Demos, I respect you for your determination, but how long have we been at this now?"
    "I have all the time in the world Malenti, all the time in the world"
    "I however dont and I'm sure Titus doesnt appreciate that either"

    Titus was Malentis 'backup' horse, of whom would sometimes allow Demos the pleasure of riding. Titus was older than Demos himself, his hair was stragling and his ribs were showing. Nowadays he could barely keep himself standing, let alone an 18 year old man. For the purposes of the exercise, both Demos and Malentis accepted the fact it was probably for the best.

    For the past few years, Malentis had been honoured as a Paladin of the township. Unfortunately times were hard for Malentis as his past had been scathed by injury hunting in the northen provinces. He had little time for raids through the forests of Edentois so he amused himself by showing Demos the way of the Paladin.

    "You know, sometimes I wonder why I ever came to Qeynos. Through countless rises of the sun my true reason for being has never gleamed through the trees with the dawn lights." Malentis looked towards the boundaries of Qeynos, where the trees barely poked their withered branches above the walls.
    "I cant remember the last time I enjoyed riding with the other Paladins into battle, even on a basic scouting mission. I may as well have your role, Demos"
    "Do not put yourself down, Malentis. I would kill a thousand sewer rats for even a day in the position you're in. Even now as we stand here in the stables, if you'd only look around you'd see the admiration the townsfolk give you." Demos dusted himself and placed his foot back in the stirrup.

    Malentis took a few paces back from Malentis, and turned on his step, back towards his household.
    "Hey, wait up Malentis" Demos followed in his path. "Do you ever think I could be a Paladin?" Demos wondered whether Malentis had heard him, as he kept on walking, being careful not to trample his neighbours chickens on the way.
    "I heard you. Its not a question that deserves an answer."
    "..." Demos murmered.
    "You know the answer Demos, you bring it up every day and every night. The laws that stand in these parts will never allow you to truley become a Knight of Qeynos." As each day past, Demos could stand to hear this a little less. Now was the time for Demos to make his move. By now, others his age, more suited to the role had already progressed so far in training to be riding with those such as Malentis. Demos had to think. There had to be a way.

    Chapter III

    As dusk begun to fall upon the alleys of Qeynos, Andreas rode towards the crowded inn on aleyas lane. Andreas was the same age as Demos was, much the same build. The way Demos hung around Andreas the older Paladins had always mocked them both for being like a bad case of the measles. The only problem is, Andreas could not get rid of these measles. Alas, Andreas had found his sanctum.

    The Inn was a small, bustling hive of activity. Music was played, brawls were split up, and the ladies danced for the mens amusement. Andreas quenched his thirst with some fine local ale, by the name of Fosterton. Made in another continent it was the finest brew a man could taste this side of the western mountains. Andreas however, had truley deserved it, for today he had turned 18, and was instated into his next stage of Paladin training.

    It would have been an immense celebration for the other young men in training. But not for Andreas. He would use Demos as an excuse for the reason he had no pride in his work, and even less respect from his fellow knights. This was far from the truth. Andreas was decietful, for better use of the word. Any problems would pass straight through him, as he would pass it on to the next man. Any armor went missing from the Royal barracks, Andreas would be nowhere to be seen, but would always be only a couple of feet away. And so, again, Andreas was on his own watching the fair women of Qeynos throw themselves on the nearest pleb.

    Andreas found this disgusting. It was not for the reason that women should treat themselves as ladies, nor the fact the men accepted the gifts their bared. More-so the fact that Andreas would never recieve any of this. The closest Andreas would ever have to a Lady by his side was the fact that Demos' shoulder length hair could often be found in his helmet. He left the crowded smoke filled inn and stumbled heavily down the path. Another day, another painful morning to follow.

    Chapter IV

    Demos awoke in a sweat. Andreas awoke in a mixture of vomit and Fosteron. Outside there seemed to be alot more noise than usual. Today was a Monday, it was neither market day, nor a holiday of any kind.

    Demos quickly rushed to put his clothes on, struggling not to get himself caught in the numerous holes he had made the day before with Malentis. Grabbing a slice of bread he rushed to see what the comotion was.

    On the other side of the street Andreas had no need to leave his bed, nor his room. For he was still outside underneath what he had previously recognised as the oak panels above his head. Of course he was incorrect, to a point. Yes they were panels, only not of his own bedroom.
    "What in all of Quentos is that foul smell?" Andreas thought. He picked himself up, slowly, trying to find his bearings. "One foot, almost there, you can do it Andreas..." He fell back to the ground, of which was softer than what he was used to. Stickier too. He took this opportunity to take a better look around, once his eyes had stopped rolling and the walls stop moving. As his eyes came into focus they met with eyes much larger than his own. "What the..." Andreas said to himself shocked. This was returned with a large blow of hot air and a "hmppph". Titus staggered back, but not before taking lick of Andreas' forehead.
    "Get of me you foul animal" he yelled bitterly. He turned around only to find a small package left by Andreas on the stable floor. Now of course, on Andreas' garments.

    Andreas couldn't hear much at all, after standing next to the flute player the previous night. Ringing, rather than commotion. He made his way out of the stable, careful not to have another encounter with Titus or any of his gifts. Demos was on the other side of the street, bread in hand looking mystified by the events down the cobbled paths.

    "Dear oh dear, Andreas. Too much of the rich mans ales again?"
    "Hush, stable boy"
    "Hehe, take a look around Andreas, not only do you look like one, you bloody smell like one too"
    Andreas gave Demos 'the evil' as they joined eachother in making their way towards the crowd in central square.
    The battle horn was blown not two seconds after they both reached the crowd. Needless to say, the sea of people parted in an instant. Demos made his way to the front, with Andreas far behind. Far behind, in a hedgerow 'clearing his throat'.

    "People, people, calm yourselves. You may have already heard, there has been a sighting of orcs not far from Pebbleton down the eastern roads. Scouts have reported back with fair news, although action must be taken. They are nothing the men of Qeynos cannot handle." The crowd stirred. There hadnt been any word of orcs since most of the oldest men could even remember. Although that wasnt saying much.

    Demos ran back to Andreas and repeated what he had just heard from the towns spokesman. "You better clean yourself up and get out there. Your job is as a Paladin, not as Mrs Crebbleton's fertiliser."
    Andreas said nothing, but made his way to the barracks. Demos was never one to miss the action, so he snuck through the gap in the city walls. This had been there since Demos was no smaller than the tallest dwarf, but the council of Qeynos had never seen it as a threat to the townships livelyhood. As the Paladins of Qeynos rode out on their treasured horses, he was not far off making his way through the woods that ran parrallel with the eastern roads.

    Chapter V

    The morning fog had begun to lift from the woods. Demos knew these woods well, he had grown up in them pretending he was the great Paladin Ethos, renowned for keeping Qeynos 'free' as it were during the great wars. There were only 2 Paladins out today on the search for the band of orcs.

    Malentis was not with them, as to be expected and one was Andreas. The other was Jemba, an Ogre by nature, but was loved by everyone. Beside them were people Demos didn't instantly recognise. One of these looked to be an elf, little older than himself carrying a large mace. The other was a Cleric, known by the name of Popitus. It wasn't often that females were allowed on scout parties such of these, but since Qeynos had not seen much action lately, Demos was sure she had worked her way into the party by means neither of might nor battle reputation.

    The scouting party stopped in their path. What they saw before them was something that nobody would have been prepared for. Andreas wasnt even prepared full stop. In front of them were no fewer than a band of 30 orcs. With three of them their chances were slim. Slim to none. "Step out of the way guys, I know what i'm doing." Andreas barged past Popitus, almost knocking her down.
    "This is no time for this, you are in no fit state Andreas" the Ogre said.
    "We must return to Qeynos, warn the townsfolk of what is upon us" Popitus said anxiously.
    By this time the orcs were fully aware of their presence, and had begun making their way towards them.
    "" Andreas was already 10 feet away, attempting to walk in a straight line, let alone run.
    "It would be pointless, they are already too close to Qeynos, running now would only bring Qeynos into danger." Popitus waved her hands magestically and cast her spells of protection upon the party. She turned towards Andreas, as he crouched on the dusty path.
    "What?" Andreas said nervouslly
    "It seems that my spells of protection arent quite advanced enough to protect men of your...state."
    Andreas looked at the ground, opened his mouth and....
    The Ogre's mace clashed with the head of the nearest orc. Popitus did her best to protect the ogre and the elf, but nothing seemed to be enough to stop them being pushed back.

    Demos looked on, stiff with fear. This was his chance, he thought. He begun to walk out away from the cover of the trees. "No..." He thought to himself. "This wont work, me, on my own, no armour or tactics. I know i'm great and everything but not that great". Demos turned and ran as fast as he ever had done before towards Qeynos. Grabbing Titus when he arrived at the stable, he picked up the rusted armor that his uncle had given him the previous week, as a present for his 18th. It barely fitted and holes were appearing through the rust. Clambering his way onto Titus he rode his way towards the main gates.
    "Hurry, follow me!" Demos shouted. Nothing. "Erm? Somebody? 30 Orcs, drunk kid a woman an elf and orge?..... No?"
    Malentis rode up to Demos' side. "Didnt you hear the boy - Gatesmen, sound the alarm!" At this point Demos was caught in the moment. He grabbed the reigns of Titus and swung himself round towards the gates. Demos managed to face himself the correct way, after a few attempts. By this time the other Paladins of Qeynos had joined him, and they rode towards Popitus, Andreas and the others who were now much closer than Demos had originally seen. The ogre had Andreas over his shoulder blocking his left hands movement, his mace in the other. The orc he was battling swung with his axe countless times, creating sparks the size of fireflies as they made contact with the Ogre's armor. Many attempts were made to knock the Ogre down, but even with the handicap of Andreas, he was able to make his moves.

    The paladins rode up beside him, and in the commotion Andreas was dropped to the floor. Demos was slacking behind, unable to get to grips with Titus' attitude, he made his way towards Andreas, albeit moving in circles. In the fury of the battle that commenced Andreas was oblivious, for he was passed out on the ground - not so out of harms way. Demos was fully aware of this.
    "F**k this" Demos jumped out of the stirrups of Titus. Another Orc, smaller than the one the Ogre was fighting. This didnt concern Demos. It was the size of the axe coming towards Andreas that was more worrying. Demos through down his armor, it was never going to be of any use. The next few moments were as if they were in slow motion. All the thoughts of being a Paladin had left Demos mind completely, for the first time since he could care to remember. This was it. It wasnt the title of 'Paladin' that mattered. The pride, the glory. None of it was what being a Paladin was about. One man, his friend. One chance.

    Demos ran towards Andreas. Moments before the axe hit his temple, Demos had managed to grab the axe from the Orcs hand. It slipped with ease, into Demos' palm. Confused, Demos looked up at the Orc. The Orc looked back at him. Then ran. "Oh for f**ks sake" he thought. "I make a valiant attempt to save somebody out of the good of my own heart and it turns out the attackers got less guts than your average lava worm".

    Nevertheless, Demos dragged Andreas as best as he could towards Titus. He could have the option of placing him on Titus' back, but he didnt have the energy, time or patience for it. He had trouble getting up on Titus as it is. Instead, he tied Andreas' foot to the rope on Titus' saddle, and rode off back to the now heavily defended gates of Qeynos. "Best cure for a hangover that" Demos laughed inside "Cover the first headache with the pain of another".

    Chapter VI

    Malentis arrived at Demos' doorway. "NEVER do that again".
    "What do you mean?" Demos enquired.
    "You break through a gap in our defences, that you've been fully aware of for god knows how long, you almost get yourself, and a whole scout party killed, you give a Paladin severe want me to continue?"
    " your ok. Hang on? I saved Andreas' life, and possibly the whole of Qeynos"
    "I think you're overestimating the Orcs. Theyre not that clever. Last time they attacked they reached the city walls and tried to hammer their way through the brickwork" Malentis stood, still in the doorway with a huge smirk on his stubbly face. "I do however, unfortunately have to give you this..." Malentis dropped a freshly sealed parchment onto Demos' drawers.
    "What is it?"
    "How the hell am I meant to know. Looks like i'm no longer a Paladin but a messenger boy"

    Demos opened the parchment, as Malentis mumbled something under his breath and walked off. It read:

    To the attention of Demos of the family Eyeken.

    As you may know, Qeynos is not as it used to be. Action is few, and those willing to persue adventure is fewer. You do not know me, but I know you very well. I have watched you since you were young, fully in the knowledge that there was more to you than a Paladin fan boy. I had been waiting for an attack like the recent Orc attempt for a long time - sure, it wasnt as fierce as i would have imagined, nor would I have wanted it to be. You must be the first to admit you are not the greatest of warriors...yet.

    There is nothing for you in Qeynos anymore. You have come to an age that you must realise you will never be a Paladin. At least not for the township of Qeynos. Join with me, there are others in your position who I would like you to eventually meet. You may know some of them, for example, Popitus, and Arian. Both of whom you assisted in the Orc battle.

    Meet me at the ayelas lane inn tonight. You will have a chance to meet others in our ancient society. This is your time Demos. If you cannot be a Paladin by law for them, be one for us. We need you now.


    Julianus Reverandes.
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    Only took me 2 hours dry.gif

    It may be a bit hard to read, im not the best at writing flowing stories, and the battle scene might be a bit flakey with a hastey ending. But anyway, thats my back story, thanks to Popa whose story I used to further mine, i owe you one! Hope you enjoy it wink.gifmine, i owe you one! Hope you enjoy it ;)
    Message Edited by DemosEye on 11-11-2004 04:11 AM