Deity Camp: Why are we still waiting for a wand?

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Vlkodlak, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    Could we get some kind of reasoning why the 4th camp has now spawned and yet there is still no wand option for mages? There is no reason what the wand did not come out with the 3rd camp at the same time the bows were added. Now we are looking at the 5th, 6th, 10th camp... who knows when it will actually be added. The only ranged weapon that has been available is that worthless crossbow. The wands and regular bows should be added to the Mystic Lake merchant and bypass this ridiculous time sink the players are forced to deal with.
    Beee, Suidakra, Nunja and 5 others like this.
  2. SolarFaire Active Member

    This^^ Please where are the wands?!?
  3. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I'm not seeing any NON-MASK-TOKEN Monk-usable Wary Protection weapons on Bertoxxulous either. Please shuffle around the release of your camps a little to get these issues sorted out before we have to wait for the September game update.
    Manafizzle likes this.
  4. Jhin Member

    They dropped the ball so hard they didnt even put the Blessing on the avatar specific weapons
  5. Gninja Developer

    There should be a wand in the next update. Will be on all merchants. As far as the Blessing effects they'll all be there then as well for the ones missing. Might be a couple days after next Avatar is able to be engaged but it is in the pipeline.
    Beee, SolarFaire, morderir and 3 others like this.
  6. morderir Active Member

    so ,it seem that the wand will be of the generic version of weapon . just of curiosity ,are there deity specific wand/shield in the pipeline ?
  7. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Still 14 more camps to come, so I would guess that there will be.
  8. Smashey Well-Known Member

    This is a great addition.

    Can people who bought the xbow get a refund some how becaue we thought we wouldnt get any wand option until July? Farming masks is such a huge grind, having wasted them on a xbow is kind of upsetting now.

    Wasting even 10 masks at this point is a huge loss.
    Suidakra likes this.
  9. Loric Member

    Happy to hear there will eventually be a wand. I resisted buying the crossbow for a long time because I'd rather use a wand, always forget to stock up on ammo, and I've had terrible luck with RNG getting masquerade coins. So I didn't want to spend the few masquerade coins I had on something I'd rather not use. But in the end I felt I had to buy it for the resolve.

    So while I'm pleased a wand is coming at some point in the future, I'm also very disappointed that I spent 10 precious masquerade coins on the crossbow.
  10. Nunja Well-Known Member

    Crossbows are the worst idea they ever implemented and now make no sense with reforging taken out. Kind of silly to leave out items that actually do work well without having to have certain stats that we can't reforge into anymore.
  11. Suidakra Active Member

    Is there plans to introduce some exchange process for those of us that bought the crossbow to get resolve up?
    I'd much rather a bow over the crossbow I felt I had to purchase.