Defiler Tips

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Calvinna, May 31, 2016.

  1. Kari Well-Known Member

    That is fine if I just want to keep her alive. She can actually keep herself alive just fine, but I like to feed her lifeburn for the full duration so she can get the most out of it. I just got the reset rune and it does make a difference, but ancestral channeling still only feeds a small portion of her lifeburn, and the lifeburn will still sometimes reset faster than the rune procs.

    I am just saying that there are situational uses for sacrificial restoration, even if it is not common. Another use I have for it is if i am healing on another tank that already has a shaman in their group. I can pop in a direct heal without overwriting the other shaman's ward. Again, not something that I do all the time, but enough to keep the spell on my hot bars.
  2. Anatha Active Member

    I use DarqUI Unity. There is only room for up to 9 spells. Not sure I have the correct ones in there. I put my wards in there but some have a slow reuse speed so I have to wait to recast them. I might check out the other spell timers that people have posted.
  3. Anatha Active Member

    I have gone through this thread again and can't find anything on stats. What numbers should I be going for as far as reuse speed, casting speed, etc. DPS will factor in at a later date when I feel more comfortable healing.
  4. Kari Well-Known Member

    Reuse speed - As a general rule of thumb, a spell cooldown can be cut in half through reuse speed and many AA. The only way to make your cool down shorter is something that will cut the base reuse or an ethereal reset effect.
    • For that reason you want your reuse at 100 and nothing more. It is a hard cap and anything over that is wasted.
    • Once your reuse is 100, check your AA and make sure that you aren't wasting AA on lowering a cooldown for a spell that can not be lowered.
    • Looking at your stats, i would recommend that you reforge some of your attack speed (haste) or recovery speed into reuse until it hits 100.
    Cast speed - the same principle applies to cast speed. You can cut the cast speed in half and no more, unless an aa lowers the base cast speed.
    • Since your cast speed is over 100, check your aa and make sure that any points in cast speed affect the base cast time.
    • Cast speed does not have a hard cap, so it can go as high as you like and anything over 100 will convert into a small amount of double cast. Double cast does not affect heals, but it helps with your dps. I like 100 for doublecast but you can heal just fine without it.
    Attack Speed (Haste) has a soft cap of 200 and excess haste will go into flurry. I would recommend reforging your excess haste to get your reuse up to 100 and then possibly aoe autoattack (until that hits 100).
    Anaogi likes this.
  5. Anatha Active Member

    Thanks, Kari. I will reforge to get some points moved around better.
  6. Morrdredd Member

    don't forget if you use temp adorns you don't have to reforge to 100... you can hit about 70 and use the temps to make it 100
    Kari likes this.
  7. Anatha Active Member

    I did some reforging yesterday. Plus I put on some new gear. I still need helm, chest and feet in fabled. Need a new ring and wrist as well. Looking better. Got my POT up to 5566. I tried to get attack speed down as much as I could. Reforging is a never ending process.

    I solo healed MC the other day. I did ok. A fellow guildie that tanked it but does have a healer said to strive for 3m in EncHPS. I was doing around 2m. Working towards getting my 1st Ethereal Rune. Looking at some other defilers that have given me tips here and a former fellow guildie, it seems the 1st one should be the Divinity rune. Is that the reset rune? Not in game atm so am not sure.
  8. Kari Well-Known Member

    The reset rune is very powerful for shaman.

    I wouldn't worry about a specific heal parse amount because there are too many variables, like the group members' resists, type of incoming damage, and tanking. My highest parse numbers have always been on wipes, because that is where everything is going wrong and I throw out all the stops, but our best groups usually end up with lower heal numbers. The aggro is under control, people have proper resists, and the tank is the one getting the majority of the hate.
    Raff and Prissetta like this.
  9. Wing Member

    When people say things like that I assume they don't understand how healing works and stop listening to them. You can only heal as much as the damage your group takes. If people aren't dying (other than random unpreventable stuff) you are doing your job regardless of what the parse says. When you had 2 mil HPS it is possible that you could have had 5 mil if the group had been taking more damage. It's like Kari said, you usually have the highest parses when you fail and lower parses when you're doing well. Heal parses can be useful to see which of your heals are most effective and can be fun to look at but don't put any stock in HPS.
    Mermut and Prissetta like this.
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I'd like to emphasize what the two previous posters said. You don't 'aim' at a heal parse. If your group is alive and stable, then you've healed plenty. Many tricks to keep your group alive and stable actually REDUCE your heal parse because they reduce the incoming damage.
    Unlike the dps parse, which measures your total dps output, heal parses only measure healing done, not healing 'output'. If you spam heal all fight but nobody takes damage, your heal parse will be zero.
    Wing, Prissetta and quisling like this.
  11. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    The 3M heals your tank was mentioning might not have been necessary if the group was well geared. If you did 2M and everyone was still alive, that's all they needed.

    DPS is how much you can damage. Healing is what chance you had to heal. They are totally different animals. Your parse is only so you can see how and where you might be able to improve. If you are doing anything else with it - might as well roll a DPS character and get it over with :)
    Wing likes this.
  12. Allanna Member

    Like some others have said, HPS is kinda meaningless as you can only heal/ward damage taken. As a defiler what you really want to strive for is everyone being green the whole time. If no one takes any damage through your wards then there's nothing more you could have possibly healed. If you really want to test how good you're doing try doing the last named in MC without anyone lowering their power. For that fight I usually do about 6.5 mil HPS due to the AE pulsing with everyone at max power.

    As for Ethereal Runes, absolutely go for Ethereal Divinity, the reset rune. Having your wards reset every 30 sec (including Spirit Aegis and your emergenies) as well as Soul Shackle & Maelstrom is pretty huge. After that I've opted for the ethereal jewelry first as 900+ potency is huge, though I'll probably eventually get the other runes when I get enough coin.
  13. Allanna Member

    Also, just looked up your character on eq2 wire and you probably should reforge a bit.

    Reuse - You're good here. You want it at 100 unless you always use temp adorns, to which case you can lower to 70 since each temp adorn gives you 15%.

    Cast speed - You want it over 100, though anything over 100 converts a portion to doublecast. Diminishing returns past 200 though. You're at 321, way too much. I'd reforge until you're somewhere between 100 - 200.

    DPS - Affects your melee/ranged weapon damage. Soft cap is 600 so you want to be around there. You're at 185, so would reforge a bit into DPS.

    Haste - Soft cap is 200, so you want to be above that. Above 200 it converts to flurry though though you probably don't need 500+ unless you're a scout.

    Basically I'd try to reforge a lot of your cast speed & haste over to DPS. Generally I try to add ability mod onto any item that doesn't already have it first, then from there try to hit the soft cap of most other stats. Can also try to get multi to 200+ and AE auto as close to 100 as you can.
  14. Reevar Active Member

    I have gone into a kind of full turtle spec on my Defiler

    I have not really noticed a change in my dps its still around 20mil since its pretty much all procs. But the healing has been much easier. With 4-4.5 mil hp and the ward from Dragon line at about 1.5 mil I don't worry about myself getting one shot as much and can just get folks back up if they get frontaled.
  15. Fleurs Active Member

    Isn't the reset rune supposed to reset only beneficial spell? Nightmare and maelstrom are offensive spell. Are you sure those aren't reset by the right prestige tree? 2% per spell/attack to reset mael and 8% to reset nightmare?
  16. Myndd Member

    Nightmares and Maelstorm are indeed resetable by the rune, been resetting along with all other beneficials on my defiler.
  17. Fleurs Active Member

    Damn these crappy rune description then, i lost so much time for ethereal coin farming, i hope i will have enough time left to farm the 90 coin before ethereal summer end... Btw, when does it end?
  18. RescueMe Member

    Nightmares is not re-settable from the rune. That was patched out...4 months ago maybe? Maybe even 5 or 6.