Decorating with Shanette! How-to's and Other Fun Stuff

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Spextasy, May 8, 2017.

  1. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    The Kitchen "Episodes" are here! :p

    Kitchen Counters, Cabinets, and Wallpaper

    Kitchen Cabinets Part 2

    Kitchen Doodads

    Kitchen / Refrigerator

    Kitchen Appliances
    Geden, santargria, Merriel and 6 others like this.
  2. Enoibia Well-Known Member

    Wow! Thanks for so many ideas. I love your ingenuity.
    Geden, Spextasy, Merriel and 2 others like this.
  3. Febrith Well-Known Member

    I've really enjoyed my morning watching all these videos - and lots of handy tips and tricks - it's fascinating watching you work!
    Geden, Spextasy, Merriel and 2 others like this.
  4. Ethini Well-Known Member

    I've forgotten what rain is like...
    I'm enjoying all of these so much. It's interesting, to me, to see your process, as it is similar to mine, but uniquely your own.
  5. Merriel Well-Known Member

    I agree with you, Ethini. Omg, the kitchen design had me dying though. I kept thinking, 'The editor is my friend, the editor is my friend' as I watched that one because the upper cabinets were not all sized the same, lol. Yet it looks fantastic, despite not using the editor. :D
  6. santargria Well-Known Member


    What an amazing thread - thanks to not only the OP but everyone for chiming in with their tips/difficulties and fixes!

    Good stuff this!
    Geden, Merriel, Febrith and 2 others like this.
  7. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'm so glad people are finding these useful. When I started them I worried folks would be like "why is she showing me things I already know how to do?" but I'm super glad it's opening up a dialogue and people are finding it helpful and useful. :)
    Merriel, Gretel, santargria and 3 others like this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I have to admit at first, I was like, "okay, she's doing something on re-skinning. Check. Now something on aquaria. I've made a few, not that I'm an expert, but I could probably go 'check.' Ooh! Cool! Something on lighting--that was cool, I should go back and watch all the other ones too..." :D

    Always things to learn! :D

    Geden, Merriel, Gretel and 2 others like this.
  9. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    OH WOW! Love Love Love these! (My name will live on forever in Shan's videos!) I will have to try ALL of this! (I need a NEW house)!! :D

    My husband comes home and watches "The Mighty Jingles" (he plays World of Warships and Tanks and Jingles is a video maker of those games)
    I spend my mornings watching "The Mighty Shan!"
    Geden, Merriel, santargria and 2 others like this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Another thing I love is watching your kitty avatar; even when you aren't talking, or clicking the mouse (and yeah, "no school like old school!" re: Shift or Ctrl or Alt, or Alt+ the others; that stuff still rocks!), or a siren going by, as long as Fur Elise is still playing, every once in awhile the kitty's mouth responds to that, so it looks like it's purring or meowing along to it! :D

    Merriel and Febrith like this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Okay, am watching these now (wow! Half an hour! Am I glad it's mostly 3rd person! :D), and just a few things...

    1) On the first kitchen cabinet/wallpaper one: Why wallpaper after the cabinets go up? I'm guessing it's to save on tile/item usage, and I can see that for the lower cabinets, but wouldn't it be easier to do that before the upper cabinets go up?

    2) The "dancing" isn't as obvious or as bad when dealing with tiles and blocks, largely because the patterning the Art Dept. does is nicely symmetrical, or at least is mottled or whatever enough so that any shift in position on that isn't noticeable. But when you have a regular, non-building block item, like a feyiron fence, that you try to Pitch into a different position (ever try to make a BBQ grill out of one? :-/), omg...Nerd Night on Dance Dance Fever. Flail! Twitch! Squirm! Something called a "dance" out of kindness! The Drunk Giraffe (shout-out to Whovians)! Flip! Flicker! "I gave you 89.999 degrees [or 179.999, depending], SHUT UP and KNOCK IT OFF!" "Nope! >spasm< :p "

    3) Why do the stairs (and it's a brilliant idea to do the pedestal tables for the counters, for the nice rounded edges, and the stairs for any cabinet trim!) overhanging the edges of the cabinets? Or will the eventual doors line everything up, and I just need to be patient... :oops: Might be the native So. Californian in me, but something overhead that could conceivably snap off and rain pieces down is nervous-making. ;)

    Geden, Merriel and Gretel like this.
  12. santargria Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, got it bookmarked and need to go through the vids again - some really good stuff and techniques there.

    Please don't stop - it is really helpful for many of us.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Amen, yes! :D

    Merriel, Febrith and santargria like this.
  14. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    Whew you sure like words! ;)

    1.) There is no "correct" way to do these things. Sometimes I skin first and build later. Sometimes I do it opposite. Typically I try to get a room skinned first, but it all just depends on my flow of decorating mojo at the time.

    2.) I love pitch.

    3.) Because I like it. I've done counters / cabinets both with and without the "overhang." It just depends on the kitchen and materials I happen to be using.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    On the second kitchen cabinet/wallpaper one: OMG, that is a brilliant idea for the cabinet doors! I'd've never thought of that in a million years! :)

    "Conquering the Wastes" least one of my Carpies can make that (might be all 3 of the highest; will have to check)! Nice to see it's not a MC or purchased thing ("What do you mean, the event's over for 6 months? I need one more of those paintings...")! :D

    Spextasy and Febrith like this.
  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    1) Fair enough! :D

    2) >twitch<
    Just responding to a question you had in the first kitchen video, about the problems we have with Pitch. ;->

    3) Fair enough! :D

    Merriel and Spextasy like this.
  17. kianne Well-Known Member

  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Love, love, LOVE the Kitchen Appliances one! :D And thanks for correcting my bad advice to Quiarrah on the bedroll flip thing! I'd completely forgotten how I did it, that you grab one of the short edges, not a long edge, and go front to back (or whichever) rather than side to side... :oops:

    Just one question, and I'm sure it reveals my old(er) age: why the stove buttons going down the center? Is it a more modern thing? :-/

    Merriel likes this.
  19. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    More modern "glass top" stoves have the buttons and knobs on the top of some of them, But I really only do it when I put my stoves in the kitchen island, as opposed to in the counters, like a proper stove. ;)
    Merriel and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  20. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I do like the idea of a separate stove and oven, like in the islands and cooking shows, etc., since my dream home would include an electric oven for easy broiling and a gas stove top for heat control. :)

    Geden, Merriel, Valzen and 1 other person like this.