deathsave-rune and Altruism....working as intended ?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Strac, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Strac Active Member

    The Red Runes that offer a 50% chance to deathsave once every 10 min is triggering with too high priority. I use my 60 sec deathsave and then the rune procs before the temp-Deathsave. This is very annoying and interferes with my own choices as to when i want a deathsave active. IMO the rune should proc after game checks whether or not any other deathsave casted by players are currently active.

    The same goes for Brawler targetable deathsave "Altruism", it is completely random ! Cast it on a Shadowknight who has bloodletter up, and Altruism will go off TOGETHER with a trigger of Bloodletter, when the incoming damage only justifies 1 deathsave to trigger. It makes this ability flawed and forces me to wait for Bloodletter triggers to run out before casting my deathsave ( which has until-canceled duration), to get the full effect of the saves.

    I can only assume that the coding for these deathsaves is fairly complex, and the priorities of which deathsave triggers first was never really thought of.

    If altruism cast time was made instant instead of 2 seconds it would make it at least a more viable option to use mid-combat.
  2. Silzin Active Member

    I think that with GU66 they added the first Death Save Priority into the game with the SK Blood Letter. the problem is it only take into account Healer Death Saves and not Altruism. the need to retool all Death Saves to have a Death Save Priority based on duration left, and Item Death Saves need to go JUST before Until Canceled Death Saves.

    But i think this is more work than the Dev's are willing to give to the game atm.
  3. slippery Well-Known Member

    It's dangerous to do because it makes it that much harder to kill a tank. I'm guessing the only reason they did it with SK's is because Bloodletter can't be cast in combat
  4. Davngr Well-Known Member

    then what's the use of even having the rune be used by tanks?

    having said that my guards death save does not trigger it but my zerks prestige AA does. just need some uniformity at this point.
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Put it on a red slot bow, switch it in after other DP's have gone down.
  6. Davngr Well-Known Member

    sure that's an option but why? if it works for one class it should work for all of them. my zerk is far from "hard to kill" specially if spec full right side.