Date/Times of Double EXP weekend STILL wrong.

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Rune' Tahlear, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Rune' Tahlear Guest

    i have seen this post on acouple of different sections of website since yesterday. Again, the lack of Quality Control coming out of SOE lately is horriable.
    i wont go into a rant about GU 61 coming out when not ready. wrong section of forum (but still SOE screwed that up too)
    this about the team working on website. been told it is another entity altogther different from the team working on game.
    FIRE THEM!! they are doing a bad job. they are not good at what they do. they can not keep up the Website in a reasenable fashion.
    i hear there is supposed to be a whole new website or some such thing coming out soon. good, but if it is the same team/group/company working on this website also. GOD help us.
    Now back to the reason for this post. fix the date/time of double exp weekend. it has been long enough if you read posts on the forums or just anybody at SOE looking at the website to FIX the issue. it has 2 different ending dates in same post and your start time is different then the ZAM start time.
    FIX the issues, PLEASE.

    I am starting to wondering if all the devs for the website died in a horrible accident and it has all been kept hidden because they don't want us crying even more because there is no longer anybody there to fix our old broken website or give us a new one..