Daily Quest Locations Empty

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by shadowstepper, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. shadowstepper New Member

    I'm recently back after being gone since 2012. I should say that first. Much has changed and most of it is not intuitive.

    For some reason when I enter zones in Coliseum of Valor after choosing the very quest in my journal and Solo, when I go into the zone, there's nothing there to kill. Nothing. I use tracker to find something...anything...but there's nothing there. I go all over the zone and there's nothing. Why?

    I've finished the signature quest there to get all the keys so I could access all the zones. When I look under the Mission Timers tab of the Journal, the quest I am trying to do (Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Tower Breach (Solo) Daily Mission Says NO, I have not completed it. Matter of fact, the answer is NO for ALL missions listed here.

    So it can't be that I've somehow done this already and forgot it, and now going in there's nothing more to do. The timer is 5:41, and it's more like 12 hours since I played.

    I don't get it. I click the portal, choose the correct quest and solo option, go in and there's nothing there to kill. My journal says I've never completed it. What am I missing?
  2. shadowstepper New Member

    Addendum: this goes for ALL the solo missions for Coliseum of Valor. All of them. There is nothing in them but unkillable NPCs. If I go into Heroic or Expert there are many things to kill, but I am one shotted dead with all of them. Don't seem to have my buff in there.

    I thought maybe because I was 120 it wouldn't give me the zone correctly, so I chrono'd down to 110. Didn't fix this. Don't even know if it's broken, maybe it's working as intended?

    Also a search has not turned up this problem for anyone else, so I'm obviously missing the obvious. Can't figure it out.
  3. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    One question: Are you attempting to re-do these zones within a period of having a persistent zone timer lockout applicable?
    If you press alt + z, or go under your EQ2 button to Dungeon Finder, choose the tab at the bottom 'Persistent Instances', and see if you have a list of zones there. If you select the name of anything on that list, and hover your cursor over 'Reset Timer', it should tell you how long you have to reset, if you can't clear a zone.

    Also, many of the Pop zones were "puzzly" zones. You had to do certain things to get the nameds to become active mobs. For instance, in The Source, you had to kill many of the horses to spawn the first named, then kill many of the plaguelings to spawn the second name, to get to the third, you had to get a mask from an island beyond the plaguelings to get past the wall to the third named. When you finished that, you zoned in to the crypt beside the third named, and nameds 4 and 5 were tied together, and once you killed one, you were ported to the other. The last named, you had to touch the disease balls in the four directions around the raised platform to make the last named active. Other zones also have these puzzle aspects. There are walk-throughs on EQ2Wiki for many, many zones if you get lost.
    Breanna, Dude and shadowstepper like this.
  4. shadowstepper New Member

    Yes, this was it. I must have "done" them when I was doing signature quests. I reset them all, some from a looooong time ago.

    I recognize the puzzly zones. What baffled me was there was NOTHING in there to kill. Nothing. Just a few un-killable NPC creatures lurking about. Now I think if I go back in, I'll find what I'm looking for. THANK YOU!
    Dude and Mercychalice like this.