Daily Objectives not updating

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Ratmaster2013, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Ratmaster2013 New Member

    Was playing on my mystic and was getting updates on creature and different creature kills while playing through haunted mansion (the vampire one) and all of a sudden my updates stopped, thought it was my merc, but turned him off and nothing. switched characters and tried kills outside any Halloween instance, still no god. even tried crafting, and nothing. also noticed no boss mob option across three accounts. please someone look into this, its really annoying.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Faelynn Active Member

    I don't have an answer for your main issue (that your updates stopped), but have some thoughts on your second issue ("no boss mob option across three accounts").

    The "no boss mob option" probably is intended. The different goals they offer you varies from day to day; it's completely possible (and likely then) that killing boss mobs is not one of today's options. I would also find it likely that they would set each day's goals gamewide, so everyone gets the same goals each. I don't actually know this to be the case - but if it is, that would easily explain the "across three accounts" thing. Incidentally though, "Slay Boss Creatures" is not in today's list for me either.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Sapienta Active Member

    They don't. I have been doing dailies on three accounts since they went live, and while they started off all getting the same goals, after about a week or so they started getting different ones - 2 of one set, 1 of another, not always the same 2 accounts getting the same set of goals. I have missed a couple of days when I was out of town, but I've always either missed all three or finished all three on the same days, so I'm assuming some sort of randomness is involved.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Gah, I thought it was just me that had strangely acting Dailies...tonight I had only my Gold account Dailies to worry about, and I had finished one part (the discover unknown areas or whatever, 3/3) and had 1/2 writs done, which I usually do Crafting writs for. I was working on finishing the second writ and did so shortly (like, 5-10 minutes) after ELEVEN p.m., PST. I looked up expectantly, hoping to see it acknowledge my efforts, only to see a brand new set of steps for a new Daily Objective Quest. Apparently, it had changed over when I was working on the second writ. Now, I know for a fact SOE is based in San Diego (last I knew, anyway; maybe they moved to Arizona?), which is also on PST (and should have at least changed their clocks to reflect Daylight Savings, if not their computers), and my desk clock said 11-something, my computer clock said 11-something, and the li'l clock thing on the screen that shows both "Earth time" and "Norrath time" said it was 11-something p.m., Earth time. I growled under my breath and resolved to do yet another writ, at least, since it grudgingly gave me credit for the one I'd just done, and I had just completed my second item out of six to make for the new writ (rush order ;->), when BOOM! I had apparently completed everything I'd needed to, and the "new" Daily was gone...even though I hadn't finished a second writ for the new one, or any of the other new parts for it. :-/

    At least, the extra token thingee worked... :-/

    This was on Everfrost server, in New Halas, if that helps. I don't know if it was a lag issue, or what, exactly, but it was weird and annoying. I've also heard of folks on Splitpaw not getting theirs to update at all for several days now, but I haven't checked over there yet on mine. One thing I will check is to see what happens after midnight PST, Earth time. :-/

  5. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    they forgot about time change and their clock is off an hour, noticed its been doing that the last 2 weeks.:eek:
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Oy...it's not just me, then. Still doesn't explain their lack of concern about Splitpaw, unless that's been fixed since last Friday. :-/

    But shouldn't something like that be automatic?? :-/
