Cyan Adornment

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Tru Shot, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Tru Shot New Member

    Where does the cyan adornment come from to put on the Ethereals?
  2. balzor Active Member

    Lesser ones come from HKC, I've done a few calculations and worked out the odds of them to drop being 1/100,000,000,000.

    Regular ones I think come from Fabled death toll maybe? Done that zone up to the 4th guy almost every day since release and never seen one once. So yea /shrug. Best to just go look for the lesser ones. Grab a group of your friends, head to HKC and kill named for 7 weeks and you might get 1 that you can 1/6 roll on.
    Feldon likes this.
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I've seen a few in HKC.. they were not inspiring. They consist of 4 wdb/swdb or 4% heal increase and -4wdb/swdb. I can't imagine a good reason for using that later on any toon.
  4. Atan Well-Known Member

    I see them in HHK(c) with about a 5-10% drop chance off fabled chests. They do not drop off the legendary chests. Since the basement mobs already have a 100% chance at fabled, they are by far the best place to farm the adorns.

    As far as the ones from DT, I've only seen the item that adds the adornment slot to an existing weapon, not the actual adorns.
  5. GIndotto Well-Known Member

    Fabled Deathtoll has a small chance to drop a (greater) Cyan Adorn (although it's not labeled greater, it is an upgrade to the Lesser). 10WDB\SWDB and equal part potency for heals on the heal version (which is complete crap since it has a detriment attached to it). There is also a Pattern from content yet unkilled that can craft the (greater) Cyan Adorns, although SoE has a sick and twisted way of experimenting on us poor unsuspecting raiders, cutting into us with the scalpel of innovation and greed, through sinew and bone they hack and slice until we.........oh sorry. The recipes take an ABSURD amount of shards to craft anything of value (beyond the Uplifting Soul ear from II and maybe forearms or CB neck from I).

    Long answer short it's HKC for your Heroic level Lesser Cyan Adorns, and a wing and a prayer for the better versions from Fabled Deathtoll.
  6. balzor Active Member

    Okay sir settle down, its not THAT bad, the greater adorns off volume IV are a mere 2688, that's chump change! You get roughly 60 shards per named in dt and there are 5 whole named! granted two are unkillable but who's worried about that! So in theory you can get upwards of 330 shards per whole clear! (assuming you get lucky on those trash mobs who drop 1-2 shards)! So that's a mere 8 ish runs to get 1 whole adornment for 1 whole raider!!!!!!! provided no one else uses the shards on anything!

    Seriously, not too shabby! considering most people will need only 3 of these super awesome +5 healing / 5wdb adorns and assuming your entire raid has 100% attendance so you only need 24 raiders and none of these raiders ever quit you'd really only need to run this zone 576 times to get everyone set up with these game breaking upgrades! (when I say game breaking I mean it! 5 wdb! how did we ever live without it!) now considering most raid guilds pull in 4 whole raids a week that's a mere 144 weeks to get this done! 144 weeks! a mere 2.8 years! Seriously, that's not absurd at all! The average life expectancy for an american is 78.7 years so it'll only be 3.5% of your life until your raid has these 5% wdb adorns.

  7. GIndotto Well-Known Member

    My attorney has instructed me to apologize for my previous statement of absurdity.
    balzor likes this.
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I do have to wonder why they decided that the healer cyan adorns 'had' to have detriments on them.