Cure Spells

Discussion in 'Paladin' started by ARCHIVED-Boli32, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Boli32 Guest

    From the update notes:
    You can now click the detriment icons in the player window, group window or raid window to attempt to cure those conditions.
    • New command /cureplayer [playername|group or raid position][trauma|arcane|noxious|elemental|curse] optional [spell|potion]
      • Example: /cureplayer g0 noxious spell
        • Will attempt to cure yourself of a noxious detriment with only spells and without using potions (even if you have them).
      • Example: /cureplayer r4 noxious
        • Will attempt to cure the character in raid slot 4 of a noxious detriment using a spell or potion (whichever is available).
    • When using potions, the highest level tradeskilled potion in your inventory will be used first. This works with all tradeskilled potions.
    • Only the spells “cure”, “cure arcane” and “cure curse” are used by this.

    Notice nothing is mentiuned about the PALADIN cure: "Cure Spells"; but the cure arcane given to all mages is included. I have already made my own macro for this a long time ago but it just seems unfair to exclude the paladins over this - afterall we do have out own cure on a 5s recast so it is used quite regually!
  2. ARCHIVED-OrcSlayer96 Guest

    I changed my profit ui click to cures a long time ago on the cure noxious, arcane, elemental to the paladin cure spells, that way a quick click cure on anybody in a group/raid without macro hotkeys taking up space and changing of any targets, I agree that is poor planning on SOE thta they did not include our cure spells as a option on this...:-(
  3. ARCHIVED-Boli32 Guest

    Now added onto test notes so we can make up a macro so we will use a potion if cure spells not up; handy :D
  4. ARCHIVED-LivelyHound Guest

    Boli32 wrote:
    Ok I guess I'm just beign dense but not ingame at the mo...
    What cure do we have on a 5 sec recast?
  5. ARCHIVED-Jeal117 Guest

    the cure spells endline from the support tree within the paladin line
  6. ARCHIVED-LivelyHound Guest