Fixed Internally Cragnok H2 - Critical Mass Check

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Dalton, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Dalton Member

    Cragnok H2 - Critical Mass Check. It's happened several times(currently 5x in a row) he starts the critical check and a few seconds later red text death.

    (1704114438)[Mon Jan 1 08:07:18 2024] \#FFFF00You survive Cragnok's Critical Mass!
    (1704114451)[Mon Jan 1 08:07:31 2024] \#FF0080Cragnok begins to go critical once again!
    (1704114454)[Mon Jan 1 08:07:34 2024] \#DF013ABeing on the same level as Cragnok upon Critical Mass' termination results in yours!
    Aethos likes this.
  2. Chrol Developer

    I suspect Cragnok had its spell casting speed debuffed which messed with the timing in the script. Will be fixed next update. Thanks!
    Aethos likes this.
  3. Aethos Well-Known Member

    Had this happen to. In the meantime, one thing you can do if you need to kill it is just tag it an immediately get on the lower platform and wait. You'll be twiddling your thumbs for a good 40 sec or whatever but you won't die :)
  4. Gematria Active Member

    While looking at Cragnok, could his Frontal be delayed when the HO is done?
    Right now, if you time it just right (or wrong) he will cast his frontal before doing the knock up from the HO, and if you then get hit by the KB the knock up from the HO thing fails to knock you high enough to get back up top.

    Alternatively, fix his desire to change direction when he casts his KB, then you can always avoid it completely :)