Crafted Depot Boxes for Tinkered Items / Tinker Broker Bags please...

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Vlkodlak, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    I know for some time I have been sending in /feedback with no avail so I thought I would come to the boards. Would love to see the additional of a crafted depot box made for Tinkered Items. We have boxes for most everything else, but the tinkerers have long been over looked on this. A simple depot to place multiple items for your house and or for the Guild Halls. Do you realize how many guild banks are burdened by excess tinker items for their members.

    Also, the addition of a broker display case meant for tinkered items. All true professions have one understandably, but I do think it is past time to allow the tinkerers the luxury of having 96 slot bags to sell manastones, repair bots, any number of tinkered items that take up some much real estate.
  2. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Probably the reason this doesn't exist is because tinkered items use the old bauble configuration instead of the much easier to work with single charge configuration.

    When you place an item in a depot it stops being an individual item and becomes a quantity of a generic item. Items that are single charges are easy to track. Items with multiple charges have to be done in one of two ways: The smart way (each charge on the item becomes a separate item ID number and bloats the database immensely but it avoids... ) or the exploitable way (each item gets a single ID number and you can deposit partially used items to retrieve fully charged items. Welcome to infinite charge land).

    Totems were converted a few years ago from baubles to stackable charges. I've herd a murmur from someone that dev was planning a similar conversion for tinkered items. Don't expect a depot for tinkered items to happen until AFTER they have been converted.

    And I wouldn't hold my breath for that conversion to come with the next expansion. It might, but I wouldn't count on it.
  3. Bashem Well-Known Member

    Just rename your sale crate to tinker crate and problem solved!;)
  4. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    They've already said they're working on getting tinkered items to go in depots.