CoV - POJ! What's the freaking secret?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by santargria, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. santargria Well-Known Member

    You know, I've been here over 10 years and one of the most frustrating pieces of junk in game is the crappy Call of the Veteran.

    If it works at all, it works maybe 1 out 20 times.

    I really don't understand if there is a freakin' secret to using it or not but for me it one lousy vet reward!

    Heck I'd take 100 loyalty coins over this piece of crap.

    Does anyone know what the secret is to using it? Because whether I'm in the same zone or not it NEVER FREAKING WORKS!!!!!!
  2. Chrisworld Active Member

    Cannot be used on a tutorial island or during combat. That's the only restriction I see on this item. It has always worked for me when we I used it. I'd suggest putting in a petition if you feel that it's somehow bugged on your account and have DBG look into it.

    Actually, here's a ZAM link with even more information that may be helpful, be sure you're following exactly as it says.
  3. santargria Well-Known Member

    Yah, I know about the combat and tutorial of which I'm not on

    But thanks for the response - this thing is severely broke
  4. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    CoV works consistently for me and pretty much has always done so. At first, however, I wasn't equipping it and that made it bug out. Once I started equipping it, very rarely has it failed.

    Now that out of the way, the times that it won't usually work for me is if I'm trying to CoV to/from where a PQ is active. Others have mentioned that they've been able to cov but it's never worked for me.

    This is one item that seems really weird to figuring out when/how it works. You see many posts regarding it not working, but I see many folks also saying it does. Probably why the actual issue can't be tracked down easily.
    Dude and santargria like this.
  5. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Yep, won't work trying to port into a zone with a PQ. And also almost always will fail if the zone you're trying to port into has a level or flag requirement to enter.
    santargria likes this.
  6. santargria Well-Known Member


    As far as I can tell it can not be equipped anywhere - are you talking about the "Equip" option when you right click it? Because that doesn't do anything to really "Equip" it.
  7. semisus Does not play this game

    it works great , only time it bugs out is in pqs and you can still use it but no right near the mob or on a rock
    im sure alot of people would gladly pay 100 or 500 loyality tokens to get it if they could.
    Dude likes this.
  8. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Yes, equip as in put in the charm slot.

    Since it lost it's "charm" slot tag, now it has to be dragged to the charm slot. I was lucky enough to have set up macros to switch out the charms before they lost the tag (TS, CoV, adventuring) otherwise would have to drag it each time I want to use CoV.
    santargria likes this.
  9. Dude Well-Known Member

    Has always worked for me.
  10. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    Equipping or not has never mattered for me. What does seem to matter is whether the terrain is smooth and level or not.
    In zones with lots of variation in altitude and slopes, or on stairs, CoV is chancy. On nice level surfaces it works much better.
  11. santargria Well-Known Member

    Huh, I did not know that - I just assumed it is not equip-able since it won't equip by itself - it doesn't even have the "charm" description on it either which lead me to believe there was no where to put it

    Thanks for the info
    Spindle likes this.
  12. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    When I use CoV from my inventory, it does the oddest won't let me open my bags. It's not the worst bug, but it's annoying. Happens on all my toons. I'll have to try equipping it and see if that helps.
    santargria likes this.
  13. Katz Well-Known Member

    It has been working for me most of the time. Usually I'm out in the open land when I use it. Perhaps it works better in some areas than others.
    santargria likes this.
  14. Ryuken Active Member

    Always works for me, as long as the person is not in combat.

    That is why i ask before using it if the person is in combat or not.

    Never equipped it.
    santargria and Dude like this.
  15. santargria Well-Known Member

    I must be Broken on both Full Access accounts LOL - it figures :eek:
  16. Carynn Well-Known Member

    It works for me about 75-80% of the time. I can never use it to go to Thalumbra because a PQ is ALWAYS UP in Thalumbra. And occasionally it will simply not work out of spite.
    santargria likes this.