Court of truth, blade, coin

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-Pibly, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Pibly Guest

    Am I misunderstanding or does it make absolutely no difference which court you choose? And if so, is there any reason to pursue any of this? Is there any benefit?
  2. ARCHIVED-Oakleafe Guest

    As far as I can see there's no great benefit of choosing one of these factions over the other. There is obviously a RP choice that can be made (this is an RPG after all) or you can decide, for example, to pick one faction as they seem to be more numerous and so not having them aggro would be a benefit. When it's all said and done you can do most of what's on offer in the SS zones without worrying about these faction houses.

    If you like doing quests then I would suggest doing at least one of the factions any way, just for the fun/interest.

    However, two things to note:

    1. If you have enough points with a faction you get access to their building, the banker, broker, mender, merchant etc. You'll get the chance to do the Call of Ro quest, which gives an additional button to the Call of Qeynos/Overlord type ones you got from your home zone (saves looking for a carpet to get to SS). A previous bonus was access to a merchant for tradeskill books, but possibly this matters less now the merchants outside the tradeskill instances sell more books. i.e. There are benefits from being loved by a faction.

    2. A chance for a new title and positive faction with ALL 3 Maj'Dul factions

    Have a look at the following link:
  3. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    There is a few reasons to do one of any of the three: Call of Ro and access to the nerchant and questing for levels and AA.
    There is one good reason to do all three and that's the questline that opens up late-levels and AA.
    The only reason to select one over the other would be RP or the items sold. (DIfferent armor, differnt house pets, different horses (?)
    Other then that, whiich you select is more open to discussion. In my mind, I viewed Truth as for mages/healers, Blades-fighters/scouts and Coin for somone very into the broker or perhaps one who likes tradeskililng.
  4. ARCHIVED-Wyrmypops Guest

    I've done all three courts on my main. The only discernable difference between the three was flavour. Each offers different arena and house pets, and different colour saddles for the horses, different titles, and the like. Though the difference that still makes are court-specific quests. Some of the most enjoyable story lines I've encountered. The Blades are really quite martially orientated, and the quest reflects that, aswell as exploring issues with madness, sins of the father, and stuff. The Truth ones are cleverly done, perspectives of truth and true nobility. The Coin ones are so tacky, it's like the head honcho never escaped the 60's, or something - they guy is so inept, it's great.
    The Call of Ro ability is useful. When the Call to ones home city ain't ready, can pop that and fly home for just an extra couple of clicks. That alone is why my alts go for a Court. Though the added bonus of each court having a merchant you can sell status tokens to is a boon, as that one merchant offers status and coin for each type of token, fighter/scout/mage/priest, can empty a strongbox of hoarded tokens in one fell swoop.
    The initial faction gathering really is a grind. The quests in Sinking Sands offer little faction, neccesatating a great deal of repetition. One thing that can help, is doing those quests with a friend, - when one of you picks up the quest it's automatically offered to everyone else, so you could get a couple of Court quests running at the same time. Regardless, it's exaserbated by a timer on quest completion, being unable to pick up a further quest for about half hour.
    Another means to gain faction is to whack rivals court members in Maj'Dul. They drop a token, which can be handed into the representative of your favoured court in an instance towards the start of Maj'Dul (Tower of the Moon is it? My memory is letting me down). While whacking court mooks in Maj'Dul, is best to do so in one of the Towers - if you whack a dozen or so out in the open, even they start the fight, the Sha'ir (police) will descend to visit justive upon you. Then it all gets a bit Grand Theft Auto - if you beat a Sha'ir, then more will appear, you could end up fighting several high level ^^^ Sha'ir. Luckily the accruing of "cop-heads" doesn't get as far as the FBI or the Army being called in. Actually, it's only like GTA in that more and more cops turn up, ain't as if you can steal their flying carpet and run them over.
  5. ARCHIVED-Karlen Guest

    One of the merchants in each court buys status items from all factions, saving you a trip to each one individually. In the court of truth, he is standing next to a broker (I think a 40% one though) and a mender and is around the corner from a bank. Can be convenient.
  6. ARCHIVED-Bledso Guest

    Main reason I will still do it on my Assassin
    4 titles -
    Blade - "Vanguard of the Blade" (love this title on my Assassin) - done
    Truth - "Paragon of Truth" - done
    Coin - (forgot the coin one) - need to do
    Do all 3 courts and a few other quests - "Hero of Maj'dul" - need to do.
    Best way to earn faction is to give the coins of the opposite courts to the respective merchant in the Palace - then do the final quest for the court at Ally and you get the title. Theres 3 merchants in there for each court - so give truth & blades to coin - coin and truth to blades , coin & blades to truth....
  7. ARCHIVED-Pibly Guest

    Thank you all for the replies. I searched the forums for information prior to this and found little to distinguish one from the other.
    Your replies definitely help. I'm wizard, so will go truth. Having the faction merchants alone is reason enough to do the quests. And Call of Ro also seems important.
  8. ARCHIVED-Wandering_Free Guest

    Bledso wrote:
    Its Vindicator of the Coin
  9. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    Ultimately the whole faction thing and concept behind Maj'dul isn't very important anymore because the level cap has moved beyond 60. There's no reason to go to majdul again once you level beyond it. It's obsolete content that some people still do, but nobody has to.