Couldn't find where to post this

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-rpg_asmadi, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-rpg_asmadi Guest

    I signed up for the 2.99 a month Station Player stuff, uploaded a pic of my character. My crest and sig still says I'm level 48? It's been several days now. I thought it would update after 24 hours but it hasn't. I'm currently level 66 ingame, is there something I'm missing?
    Note: I know my pic in my sig is off center I'm trying to fix that as well.
    Also thanks for any information!
  2. ARCHIVED-Destructor646 Guest

    To put it nicely - the Station system as a whole is HORRIBLY buggy, tends to be out of date, generally isn't worth it for the frustration it provides, etc etc.
  3. ARCHIVED-rpg_asmadi Guest

    Ah glad I know that now. I'll make sure I cancel that part of it before my next subscription time. Seems like for the extra money it would be a little more what's the word... working properly?