Cool Weapon for 30+

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-kerra, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-diamondmage Guest

    still not giving me the quest he just tells me that the tree is barking. anyone know if there are any pre reqs for the quest or what the actual quest name is?

    The name of the quest is "A Lonley Tree" far as prereqs go I was level 31 when I talked to Wildmane and I already had EL access. Far as nymphs go a group of 3 in late 20's early 30's should have no prob killin them. They are casters btw
  3. ARCHIVED-xripperx Guest

    You stole that thing if you got it for 2g, good job!

    I have the quest but I can't find the tree in EL either.
    Message Edited by Gage-Mikel on 01-21-2005 01:46 PM

    Thanks Gage,
    I kept checking the broker after that and couldnt find any for under 5 gold so I was wondering what was going on =)
  4. ARCHIVED-amoglej Guest

    the tree is in the NE by the dryads, very close to the NPC who gives the bag of sewn evil eye. It is easily distinguishable because its located in a decline of the terrain, and the surrounding area is slightly discolored... if i remember.

    Just make a circle around it, the 3 reds (@ 32) that pop hit VERY light...and can easily be dispatched.
  5. ARCHIVED-Darmius Guest

    Did this last night after reading the post, the fist weapon is 1.6 delay not 1.0. Also it's piercing, luckily mine is at a whopping 66... time to go beat on greys for 3 hours.
  6. ARCHIVED-Mike21KC Guest

    One thing i think needs to be pointed out in this thread; I have been cleared for EL since level 25, and been hailing Wildmane for a few weeks, he would not give me the quest till lvl 31. I read that it was 30 and was beginning to think it msy be bugged. I dinged 31 last nite and immediately gated back and tried again, and he gave me the quest now.
  7. ARCHIVED-diamondmage Guest

    ya im lvl 35 and had not been back to the grove yet went this morning and he gave me the quest this time.
  8. ARCHIVED-Sc0rpi0n Guest

    I am currently doing this quest for fist and seems they have changed it a bit...when i approached tree in EL 3 lvl 38 mobs popped (probably lvl related as i am 38). I fd them off. My quest update now says to kill 15 evil nymphs around the tree. I finished this yesterday. Killing any nymph in the area of the tree counts as credit towards quest. Result was fists, coin, xp and a piece of heartwood.


    38 monk
    Feigning across Befallen
    Message Edited by Sc0rpi0n on 02-14-2005 07:00 PM
  9. ARCHIVED-kerra Guest

    At 38 these will be blue to you.
  10. ARCHIVED-Solaera_EQ2 Guest

    Here's how you get to the tree:

    In EL, from the dock if you follow the creek past Chomper pond toward the farm where Foomby is, about 100 yards before you get to the farm go up the ridge to the left. Not far from the ridge you should see a big pit with a tall tree in it. That's the tree in question. There are typically a bunch of evil nymphs in the area. I got the update by circling the trunk of the tree a few times. A druid friend of mine couldn't get the update for some reason. I think after that it wanted me to kill 10 evil nymphs before returning to Eldarr for the reward choice.

    Good luck =)