Cookiecutter builds and rotations.

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Zaiel Vyranix, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Zaiel Vyranix New Member

    I grew up on old skool mmos where you rotations where what ever skill needed to be used at that exact moment, and build were whatever pleased your fancy. But now and days you tend to get these cookiecutter builds cause that's what the dps parser says is best. So I am new here and I haven't found much about these things through research, I guess my question is should I be following a certain build/rotation for a given class, or should I just ******* play the game to the best of my skill and how I see fit? I am currently rolling a SK
  2. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Play as pleases you. It's a game, if it's not fun and too cookiecutter well...

    I think the more raid focused one gets, then yeah, it can be a little less leeway in things, but for most play as long as you learn your class, and gear prudently, you needn't feel boxed in. (Each class has strengths and areas where they shine, so be sure if you want to heal you roll a healer, or a tank if you like tanking. etc. It rarely works well to roll a tank and decide, nope I'mma be top DPS ever.)
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