Converting Mythical, Worth it?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Zabjade, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    only at 86 ATM, but it's been something, I've been wondering about.
  2. ARCHIVED-AustinB Guest

    It is worth it, there are weapons even form the low end heroic zones that are giving the myth a run for its money.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    So what do you get for converting you Mythical and is converting you Mythical better then converting your Fabled Version on say an alt?
  4. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    If you have the fabled version, you still get the same reward for doing this conversion questline as if you had a mythical don't you? I don't really know but this is what I heard.
  5. ARCHIVED-Skywarrior Guest

    You have to have either the Fabled or the Mythical to start the quest. The quest reward is the same for either version. The ennervated weapon you receive is the mythical minus the effects that were turned into the spell reward.
  6. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Skywarrior wrote:
    The only effects that the Monk one had was a strikethrough and something that gave your leather armor chain level mitigation. Monk's didn't really get anything special otherwise.
    Iron Stance
    Serene Strike
    To be precise what would we get?.
  7. ARCHIVED-Polynikes Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    You get the weapon with all the same stats (blue stats left on it are 8% crit and 5% minimum block chance).
    The buff has-
    *Serene Strike- 12sec duration/2.4 times a minute. Caster will DA on 15% of attacks. Inflicts 534-991 crushing damage.
    * 4% extra mitigation to armor
    * 50% chance to Strikethrough
    * Increases caster's chance to block by 15%
    So its everything the mythical says except they gave the mit increase an actual % .
  8. ARCHIVED-Exordus Guest

    Didn't realize they put a % on the mit. Is that all it was for us? 4%? I guess if we take the Monk SF AA abilities we can pump that up another what 4-5%?
  9. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    Exordus wrote:
  10. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Dorieon@Unrest wrote:
    What!? we only get another limited situational/duration Mit buff? (too many limited buffs for a hotbar and I hear they are changing macros too :p )
  11. ARCHIVED-Ldarax Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    No it is all in a "untill canceled" buff.
  12. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Ldarax wrote:
    Oh good. Is it selfonly or Group/raid? At 88 and slowing down leveling apparently. (also taking breaks from game to avoid burnout, and to let food and ammo become cheaper and more plentiful...soo need to level up some supporting crafters)
  13. ARCHIVED-Polynikes Guest

    Its self only, just like the actual weapon's buff. If it was groupwide it would be ridiculous lol.