Control Undead question

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-detson2, May 8, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-detson2 Guest

    Ok so I made it to T8 and I got Control Undead. Now I never got the spell in my 50's because I figured it would be a waste of my resources and other spells should be upgraded more than that one. Well now I have Adept III Control Undead. My sub skill is maxed at 76 lvl and also over due to items by about 30. My issue is I cannot hold anything for more than 3 minutes. I don't understand why. Is there a known issue with charms? Is it one of my buffs breaking charm? I assume I should be able to hold a even con NO ups NO downs for at least 10-15 minutes. Any Idea what I'm doing wrong?
  2. ARCHIVED-Inggy Guest

    I have t6 Master of the spell it works fine but....
    Every time the charmed pet takes damage it can break the "charm".
    If you are in a group and the healer uses group Arcane cure it will break.
    It checks itself every few seconds for possible resist and no I don't know the timer.
    Was it ever a useful spell? Well maybe in DoF where you played in dungeons with lots of undead but otherwise its add control now IMO.
    No I've not bothered to upgrade to T8 spell. If it follows suit with other T8 control spells it will be resisted more than T6/T7 versions, your root is a good example. I have masters of T6 and T8, T8 gets resisted alot whereas the T6 didn't as long as the mob wasn't 82+. Another upgrade that really isn't.
  3. ARCHIVED-Darkstar101 Guest

    If you plan on using the spell often then you really should invest in some +subj gear. It will help immensly. Also avoid the pet defensive buff as it raises pets arcane resists and seems to greatly increase the rate at which they break charm.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ekuthh Guest

    I've used this spell extensively since getting it. I've found it very handy both as an additional pet, and for crowd control.
    Nothing like making a Mistmoore vamp your beyotch...
    It can break, though, especially if the charmed pet is taking heavy damage. I use Perceptors Command to build the mob hate on my MT pet repeatedly to help avoid this. If you notice the mob targeting the charm pet, rinse and repeat until your MT pet gets back the agro.
    On a side note, though... is there any way to search for +subj gear on the broker without pouring through pages of gear one-by-one?
  5. ARCHIVED-ClawHammr Guest

    I have to say this is my favorite and most useful Necro spell so far
    Definitely get the Adept 3 or MasterI if at all possible
    Thanks to all for the tips on how to use this very effective spell properly. It really can make all the difference in both PVE and PVP