Contributor Potion not working as described

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Jinto, Aug 24, 2022.

  1. Jinto New Member

    I purchased a Contributor Potion from the marketplace, which has this description:
    Applies Increased Guild Status Contribution when Activated. Raises the amount of status contributed to the guild to 25%

    After consuming the potion, I turned in a guide quest which rewarded 3,700,000 status. With the potion active, I should have received 925,000 guild status. Instead I only received 555,000 guild status, which is a contribution of only 15%, not the 25% listed in the purchased item description.

    Thank you for your help!
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  2. Taled Well-Known Member

    I *think* this is just an issue with wording. The potion is probably supposed to increase *by* 25%, rather than *to* 25%, but without confirmation it's hard to say - That would make the amount you got roughly accurate.
    Twyla likes this.
  3. Jinto New Member

    I considered that also! However, increasing *by* 25% still doesn't explain it. The normal contribution is 10%. If you increased that *by* 25% it would be 12.5%. I went up to 15% after using the potion. Either the wording is incorrect or the applied effect is incorrect, but you certainly don't get what is advertised.

    I think it would be best to correct the effect to match the wording, and have it actually increase your guild contribution TO 25%.

    The alternative would be to change the wording to "Raises the amount of status contributed to the guild BY 50%" and leave the effect as is. But for 599 DBC, this isn't very attractive.

    I do think the item would be more attractive, and would be purchased more frequently, if the effect is changed to match the current description and increases contribution TO 25%. The description could even say "Raises the amount contributed to the guild BY 250%" which is equivalent to saying "raises it to 25%". Then people might really feel inspired to buy them.
  4. Jinto New Member

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