Consolidated pet information post.

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Sarkoris, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sarkoris Guest

    Hey guys,

    I thought I would start a post on our new pets. This is not a graphic model posts but a place to list the new abilities they have gained, ones they seem to have lost, dps comparisions. Basically anything to do with our pets. I can't add much until I do some testing after work but curious if anyone has initial impressions, such as how well tabnk pet jolds aggro (taunts supposed to have been improved), the new root/stifle abilities etc.

  2. ARCHIVED-Clandor Guest

    Message Edited by Clandor on 12-21-2005 07:58 AM
  3. ARCHIVED-Pro Guest

    From what i saw the pets are no longer ignoring if you are/they are being attacked. No matter if you command them back they seem to attack.
    Message Edited by Pro on 12-20-2005 10:45 PM
  4. ARCHIVED-TunaBoo Guest

    Adept3 fighter pet in off stance, maybe 150 dps mostly crush
    Adept3 fighter pet in off stance, 170 dps mostly crush/

    Adept3 scout pet in off stance 400 dps slash OR pierce and poison
    Adept3 scout pet in off stance 170 dps PIERCE only, and a little disease/poison mix

    adept3 mage pet in off stance maybe 200 dps, more on groups a tad.
    adept3 mage pet in off stance maybe 175 dps vs singles, 250 vs groups.

    Need to parse more, but we got a HUGE scout pet nerf, for a tiny tiny aoe mage pet buff. Necros lost a lot of dps with this "update" and now do both less single AND aoe damage then conjs. Conj scout pet smokes us.
  5. ARCHIVED-Sarkoris Guest

    Hmmm Tunaboo - I would both /feedback and /bug that - get the attention of the devs who I know are watching this LU pretty strongly. If the scout is not doing what he is supposed to be doing, as in high damage CA's more often, he must be bugged. Spamw them now as the longer we take to get their attention the less important it will seem to us and therefore to the devs.

  6. ARCHIVED-soulraiser Guest

    dont forget on the scout pet depending on which one u summoned if he had pierce weapons or slash weapon in hand his dps was different .... this is intentional for when fighting mobs that are immune to one or the other dmg

    his dps didnt seem to change from before - after just moved around some skills
  7. ARCHIVED-TunaBoo Guest

    No he is pierce only, it only summoms the pierce one.. at least for me. It got nerfed
  8. ARCHIVED-Chabisu Guest

    Anybody else noticed the Scout pet fearing mobs? Just wondering as I just finished doing Roost and while fighting a group of the weaker snakes two of them ran from the group and aggroed a group of harpies as my pet followed.

    I know I didn't cast fear and the level 50 Dirge for sure didn't land it on them. I'm hoping it's just really bad pathing as I couldn't find anything in the combat window I have, but never seen pathing like that in Roost before.
  9. ARCHIVED-soulraiser Guest

    its part of the effects they added to our pets they now cast root and stiffle ---- think the root they pets casting is same as our root if so it has fear after it breaks
  10. ARCHIVED-gr8scott Guest

    Ugh that would blooooow

  11. ARCHIVED-sjlplat Guest

    Take a look at the conjurer forums. They've been nerfed to the point that they're almost unplayable.
  12. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Correction: Bugs introduced with today's Live Update have crippled the class. They aren't nerfs, they're bugs.
  13. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    Take into account that our pets are not procing as they should be, which is were alot of this lost DPS will be found. This is a bug and will be fixed, hopefully shortly!
  14. ARCHIVED-sjlplat Guest

    Bugs perhaps. I won't consider it a bug until it's actually fixed. For now, it's a nerf.
  15. ARCHIVED-Eirgorn Guest

    Well here are a couple pieces of my parses from last night. I was in a 2 group raid with no signifcant debuffers to up the pets damage. Like Tuna I have seen my scout maintain 400-450 dps - but mainly on a properly debuffed mob. In circumstances like last night I usually expect 250-350dps and it looks like I hit the lower end of that. Maybe it is just due to the proc bug ... not sure.
    Here is the parse of me and the scout pet against the x4 epic temple protectors and maybe a royal prowler or 2.
    Not too bad - a little low imo though.
    Now here is a much smaller sample from when I used my mage pet (ad3) Its about 8 fights with the epicx2 gnolls in SC
    330 DPS is a decent boost from where we were - but imo against groups of 5+ mobs not enough and not on par with the conjurors mage pet (pre LU18) from what I have seen.
    I dont have any parses of conjurors post LU18 .... but I assume they are in the same boat as us with the proc bug.
  16. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I can't speak for higher levels, but I do know this. I got Grim Thulian Master I at level 34 with Master I Boon of the Lifeless, and it was not only out-damaging an Adept 3 Igneous Adept (which was level 38, a full 4 levels higher), but it was pulling aggro off the tank so badly I had to switch back to Shadowy Stalker just to keep my pet alive.
  17. ARCHIVED-Eirgorn Guest

    Another necro in my group last night was using the Master Grim Temptress last night and it actually did about 30 less dps than my ad3.
  18. ARCHIVED-Sarkoris Guest

    Is this 30 less dps over several fights Nimmh or just one of the ones you parsed ? Were both pets in the same stance ? I know your level 60, was the other necro 60 as well ? What level were the mobs when the master parsed lower than the adept 3. Sorry for all the questions but Im trying to get as much info on pets before a long winded post to devs. The more info we have the more we can back up claims that the pets are not quite right since LU 18.

  19. ARCHIVED-Eirgorn Guest

    We are both 60 - but I am unsure on the buffs. My offensive is M2 with others ad3, and I assume his are either the same or all ad3 min. The mobs were the same (level 58-61 groups of 5-6 ^,^^ gnolls) Im going to pick just the fights we both had the GT out in and confirm my numbers real quick. WIll update this in a sec.

    <EDIT - ok I dont think you should include anything about my comparison with the M1 version because there just isnt enough info. There were only 8 fights recorded that I could compare - while my pets dps was 331 and the M1 pets was only 285, the other necro's pet was only fighting in those fights half as long as my pet was. This would mainly effect the overall damage - leaving the DPS relatively ok in a larger sample, but I dont think any of those results would be accurate enough to repost. Sorry I didnt have a larger sample to choose from and more info on my guildies buffs etc. >

    Message Edited by Eirgorn on 12-21-2005 03:56 PM
  20. ARCHIVED-perkinsowns Guest

    I read in another post he scout pet is stiffling like mad can any one confirm this ?