Conjuror has too many nerfed, bugged or worthless spells, DEVS need to read

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-zokman, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-zokman Guest

    I used to think the Developers nerfed some of the conjuror dps because they didnt want any class to be overpowered but with all the rediculous and overboard Multi-attack and now the crazy Beastlord which does 35% to 45% more dps than my mage (which is supposed to be a DPS class) in equal gear that argument does not hold water. The worst part of it is brigand, assasin, rangers and now beastlord do way more dps and have higher armor value? how does this make the mage class feel? Were supposed to be high dps and give up armor to do it, but are slapped in the face with this. Mages have very little armor and do medium damage now? No wonder very few want to play a mage class? I really hope someone reads this and can understand that the mage class is dieing out the game needs to nerf the multi-attack and return the mage to its proper standing (Top of the dps parse, but for this sacrifices armor and durability)
    1. Why cant conjuror aery hunter pet do as much or (more dps) than our mage pet since you have tilted the game so heavily toward melee classes? This pet has always been useless, its attack speed and spell recast timers way to slow?
    2. Why does sony nerf our soulburn by not allowing it to be used during plane shift??? first plane shift only last 1 min, you would only be able to use one soulburn under plane shift anyway and heres why a conj should be able to soulburn during plane shift. A. Wizards can add power adorns on equipment to raise there max power allowing their manaburn to do increased damage. B. Necros can add adorns like stout and health adorns to equipment to raise their max health allowing their Lifeburn to do increased damage. There is no adorn a conj can add to increase his big spell damage?, why were we left out? Please increase plane shift to 2 min and remove the plane shift, soulburn conflict this makes it horrible to play.
    3. Please fix Fireseed from creating 2 extra spawns in the EOW instance zone, this is a straight out bug?
    4. Conj spell antagonize and its heroic AA line offensive onslaught do nothing to our only usefull pet, the mage. It increases none of its damage spells. If Our pets are based off of our stats then let those spells and AA line add ability mod or potency or crit bonus to the pet?? something really needs to be done.
    5. reanimate for the pet never works if you raid like me the pet gets hit so hard it kill the pets twice and it never even reanimates? Shadow step never really works? Also the Agi line under summoner is an aggro nightmare for the conj pet the cabilist cover along with the flameshield means when the tank pulls your pet pulls aggro and dies immediatly then you the conj dies, this is just not well thought out at all. And yes the pet is on backoff stance and still gets the aggro.
    6. Pets in destiny of velious expansion are a joke? first my pet only lives during trash mob fights. Any fight with a named mob my pet dies anywhere from 3 to 6 times and yes Im useing the pet death save and stonskins. For a coercer or illusionist its even worse they cant keep a pet more then 10 seconds before it dies. Someone needs to make a simple change like give all main pets aoe immunity????? why not my dps is lowered every fight because my pet is dead 25% of the fights, wizard and ranger ranged dps dont have any of these issues? For a conjuror my pet is my main dps the pet shouldn't die unless it is attacked directly or I die, just as it is for other classes a wizard doesnt loose most of his dps, randomly, their dps is down if they die.
    7. And last is the stupid dumbfire pets, the animation is cool but the paper armor ability makes them worthless, actually they were always worthless then with DOV expansion they are still worthless Dov is all about aoe mobs and cures making all the spawn and pet spells useless.
  2. ARCHIVED-Jiraiya-of-Aphadrim Guest

    Not sure about Beastlords, ours is still leveling, but conji can hold his own against other dps classes. I'm actually topping most of the parses, only open AE fights are a little problematic but that's ok because the lack of open AE damage means we do really well on ranged fights. From what I heard conjis can compete with other classes even in the high end guilds like equilibrium, but rarely anyone posts there so not sure how accurate that is. The melee argument maybe holds true in easy mode, but in (late) hard mode melees have their own problems. Have to coordinate with ae blockers etc so they can even go near the mobs and do their thing. That being said, the class has some issues that should be looked at.
    For your Ideas:
    1. I for one don't want to play with scout pet, mage is just fine. Just brings too many problems. Scout needs other support than mage, would be annoying to have to change it several times during a raid (especially with reanimate)...
    2. It's a little annoying. They probably did it for balancing reasons, but it could be easily fixed. Change the duration of plane shift to 30 sec, reduce recast to 6 min and change the according adornments. Easily done and problem solved.
    3. The spell is pretty useless anyway, no great loss not casting it there. Guess SOE is too understaffed to have a look at it.
    4. agree here, change the int part to anything usefull, pot, cb, spell da, abil mod...
    7. first: swarm pets are completely useless. Communion is even buggy, cancels our raid wide buff. Just take all 3 from your hot bar. I think SOE has just given up on swarm pets. It's sad but we can live without them.
    5. Reanimate works just fine for me, don't ever change that spell. If your pet gets lots of double one hits it's actually the fault of your fellow players. Debuffs are missing and cures are too slow (pre cure aes, meaning start the cure before the ae has hit). In end game both are not only necessary to keep pets alive but players as well. If the mob is really well debuffed and cures come fast my pet rarely dies. But on difficult encounters that can be a great if, but there are other ways to keep it alive. Until your debuffers and curers learn to do their job, you have to work with all your pet survival spells, if normal ones are not enough you have to time the aes and call your pet back for a moment and use bubble. As I said before, scouts and also sorcerers have similar problems when they want to get close to the mob so you're not (much) more screwed than other classes. Necros seem to get their own problems in hard mode, because of the mana drains, it's hard to use their pet ae immun.
    Cabalist cover's just has a change to reduce the damage on you, flame shield generates a little aggro for you not the pet, but never was a problem for me. What you are seeing is a bug with teamwork. I've rarely seen it my self but other reported it that it generates a lot of aggro for the pet. But no idea why, with mage pet it should just give 5 pot.
    6. Said a few things already in point 5 but some more general things. At the moment it's possible to keep your pet alive against all nameds (at least the ones I have seen so far and we are half way through drunder HM). But it can be a pain, you need good fellow players who need to know how to debuff and cure. You need to know the mob, what can kill your pet and counter it. But it will only get worth. Crit miti is transferred, HP/Resi not. So if they take out crit miti and make survival again dependend on HP and resis, pets will fall behind even more and will get one shotted from every AE even if the debuffers are doing their job. I see 2 solutions.
    1. just make all pets AE Immun. But I guess SOEs argument is that it than would be too easy for us to do dps.
    2. pet shares HP and resis/miti with us. I know there is the issue with soulburn, the damage would rise faster than other spells, but that can be easily fixed if it doesn't crit. Would be in line with similar spells like lifeburn and manaburn. There will maybe have to be made some adjustments so it does approximately the same damage it is doing now. We still would have to look after our pet, make sure it gets cured and is positioned right. Would even be ok if the mage pet stays a little squishy, maybe has only 80% of our hp as long as hp and resis are shared so that it progresses with us.

    So all together there are some issues that needs to be looked at but not everything is at bad as you make it. Sorry if I say that but half your threads just seems like whining and comes from you and your raid and not the class. Summoners already have a bad reputation which is sad because we can add a lot of amazing things to a raid not just damage but even there we can compete. So don't go around and say conji is worthless!
  3. ARCHIVED-arthemis1er Guest

    All whining except the aggro part.
    I did not invest a point in cabalist cover despite being a requirement for Teamwork (hence i can't use teamwork) because everytime cabalist cover works, my pet will get aggro.
    Same goes for Stoneskins which is bugged too (the 50% one)
    I cannot use it on the beginning of a fight with starting AE because it will automatically send the mob after me as the engine consider for some reason that i'm the one protecting the tank. Really ? Did not though mob was that smart even low level one.
  4. ARCHIVED-Mohee Guest

    1. I for one would like to use the Scout pet. He has a permanent AOE immunity. I tested him out in some raids, and died WAAAAY less than the mage pet. But there's no point in using him because his DPS is half or less of that of the mage pet. I'd also like to use him just because it's nice having a CHOICE. Right now our only intelligent choice is 1: Use Tank pet when soloing harder stuff. 2: Use mage pet when in group/raids. --- scout and hydromancer pretty much completely useless at the moment.
    2. I like your idea about soulburn. Or the least they can do give our pets shared HP. Which would also increase overall pet survivability in groups/raids.
    7. Dumbfire pets should be AoE immune. Then again, even if they were, they still barely do any dps at all.

    Also i'd like to add, Communion... It seems the other pets summoned out during Communion aren't the real versions of the pets. What I mean, is the scout and tank pet summoned out do just as little DPS as the weak dumbfire pets do. They should be doing the same DPS as they regularly do when you have them summoned out.
  5. ARCHIVED-Nekroghoul Guest

    Sorry but I have to disagree. I rolled a conjy back in February and leveled to 90 in 1.5 months (fastest so far of any of my toons). Now, at level 90 with 260 AA, I can solo Guk and use almost all spells and abilities to do so. I'd say the conjy is fine where it is.
  6. ARCHIVED-Orz Guest

    Nekroghoul wrote:
    And a BL can solo Dov instances.
    Reread the posts.