Comparison of Vhalen and Mayongs lore

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Mixxit, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Mixxit Active Member

    Mistmoores Poem about Zanne
    ______________________Vhalens Lore

    Long, long ago, in realms of rage and fury.
    ______________________In an age long ago, the Ydal first awoke, finding themselves in Mistmyr,
    ______________________a realm created within the Plane of Hate by their creator, Innoruuk.
    ______________________After a time leaders emerged and began organizing their kind into settlements.
    ______________________Villages began to flourish and eventually a capital city known as Vorguul
    ______________________was established. There, a council of five of the most prominent
    ______________________(and unscrupulous) members of Ydallian society ruled the region.
    ______________________Utilizing a brutal form of governance, they valued political expediency above
    Forbidden was the seed, its bloom was too bright.
    Gloom was the rule and never the light.
    ______________________Furthermore, the council demanded that the worship of their creator, Innoruuk,
    ______________________be placed above all else, while the accomplishments of the individual and their
    ______________________own well being, were of much less concern.
    Forced from embrace the one became two,
    but the flower remained and the light still grew.
    ______________________To accomplish their goals the council divided their followers into five clans,
    ______________________each being led by a single council member who tasked them with their
    ______________________own responsibilities to help aid in the betterment of Ydallian society as a
    ______________________whole. These clans were known as the Lubesh, Vashota, Bechoi,
    ______________________Rajadevi and Yciid.
    Time marched on and the two grew apart,
    divided by a plague that consumed their heart.
    ______________________Later, as the race of the Ydal matured, a tragic flaw in their creation
    ______________________would eventually be discovered.
    What was gloom became doom and the end drew near.
    Two who were apart came to odds in great fear
    The bloom was bright even in lands turned to death.
    The bloom turned upon itself when the forbidden met.
    One last time in ashes of the first.
    One last embrace, a kiss, before the blades quench their first.
    Death upon death, the bloom met the one fate.
    The first and the two consumed by tragedy great.
    ______________________Falsely believing this to be an extraordinary blessing from Innoruuk,
    ______________________the first dark elves instead became consumed by a curse which
    ______________________ultimately lead to their extinction.
    By power of song and might of ink, the tale can be revealed to make us think.
    Think of the time of bloom everlasting.
    With words over the beloved head, wonders are surely fed.
    My beloved, my Zanne, Love… I still can. – Fin
    Jait likes this.
  2. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Your really forcing an interpretation in there that doesn't fit the poem.
  3. Jait New Member

    Well done. Very thought provoking.

    Wish the children around here would refrain from posting rather than poo-pooing every single lore post with their own personal opinion when it doesn't fit their mental image of what the fiction of this game should be.

    Or at least work on the understanding the difference between "Your" and "You're".
  4. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Are you just trolling the Lore forums? According to your other posts we can't even have this conversation so I don't know why your bothering to even comment.

    The Mayong poem about Zanne is clearly a love poem. It has two subjects. It is about love and loss and the possibility of love again.

    The other is lore gathered in fragments about the Ydal and then paraphrased. I'm not 100% sure about this but I think its from the collections found in game and I don't think it can be attributed directly to Vhalen but honestly that would be something I'd have to ask what the source is for that. Taking it from the collection is actually more powerful than a direct Vhalen quote because its an in-game source which should 100% trump what any dev (even Vhalen) says because what is in-game is canon and what a dev says gives insight behind their decisions but just because they say something doesn't make it Lore. Being in game makes it Lore.

    The "Vhalen Lore" is talking about a community. What made that community, how it grew, some decisions made, and what lead to its downfall. It has a vague resemblance in the same way that clouds resemble puppies: you have to bring that interpretation to it and you have to be willing to overlook a lot of detail to make it work.

    You can see how the Ydal society wouldn't approve of a romance, because it values hatred and power over that but the presentation is more of a line by line comparison of the two which doesn't fit. If that is what was trying to be pointed out then more exposition is needed.
  5. Liched New Member

  6. Meirril Well-Known Member

  7. Mary the Prophetess Active Member

    I really wish Vhalen was still around.
  8. Vhalen New Member

    Zanne was meant to be his ultimate love, the one all others... reminded him of. I never know where that was taken, but the history of the Teir'Dal was something I recorded before I left. How that was used is unknown to me, but the dev put in charge of "the tome" was a good friend and excellent storyteller. I should visit the Athenaeum for any lore I might have missed. Till Yonder!
