Coming back to EQ2. Paladin still the way to go?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Lexicon, May 7, 2014.

  1. Lexicon New Member

    When I left a few years ago to play SWTOR, I had a few toons at the level cap (I think). Logging in, I see that I have a few high level characters, with my Paladin being the highest (and Mage being second highest).

    Should I stick with my 92 Pal, or my 90 Mage? How about my 90 SK?

    What would have the easiest time finding groups?

    Should I re-roll as something else to re-learn the game? I literally have not played EQ2 in years.

    One final questions: Are mercs still better than Mage pets, or have they been nerfed? I recall mercs being pretty darn nice, and Mage/Nec pets being pretty bad. Of course I could be wrong, since I haven't played the game since 2011? 2012 ish? Since whenever SWTOR came out. I played that since launch, or a few months after that. Finally got sick of it and am coming back to a few SOE games, although honestly I am planning on sticking to only one MMO for now (until EQ Next anyway).
  2. Lexicon New Member

    Ugh. Are you kidding me? I still can't change UI quest Text size? Even WoW lets me do that, not to mention SWTOR, TSW, and AoC.

    Playing this game at anything above 1900 by 1200 results in terribly small font. Are there any interface mods that will make the game readable for me at 2560 by 1600? I mean it's already terrible at 1900 by 1200, anything above that makes it suck on my 26 inch monitor. As it is, I have to play at 1600 by 1200 to make the game enjoyable, which feels like a waste with my system.

    I don't want to skip quests, but the game has no high res fonts, making it extremely difficult. Any solutions?

    Thanks all!
  3. Estal Well-Known Member

    Every class can get groups, however Plate Tanks are currently in high demand, as you already have a Pally might as well stick with that.

    No idea about high res fonts, I usually play in windowed mode with wikia open and just read what to do there:p
  4. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    WT heck has THAT rant got to do with the OP's questions?

    To OP:

    Don't reroll unless you feel you need to learn how to play one of your 92s all over again...even then, if you feel you must relearn, still keep the 92 and just play an alt of the same class for a while to relearn.

    Necro pet + Necro + Stamper can wipe out nearly anything in solo content. Haven't gotten brave enough to try heroics with just the 3 of us :D
  5. Tfoca Member

    Lexicon do you use a third party UI?
  6. Mozil Active Member

    That rant was posted by the OP. ;)
  7. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Oh, dear. It was so off topic I didn't check. So it has everything to do with it. I would suggest the OP find a different game since this one is going to give him heart problems due to high blood pressure.
  8. Lexicon New Member

    Thanks for the answers all.

    I do not. Running everything at default. Is there a UI to help me make the game readable? All I really want is readable quest text.

    Well, while watching a major company like SOE violating the Americans with Disabilities act can indeed give me a heart attack, this game surely will not, so don't worry about it :)
  9. Tfoca Member

    I use Profit UI that should help