Collection Depot

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Eshaac, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Eshaac Active Member

    Ok, is it just happening to me, or does it happen to everyone...

    You open the collection depot, you click the check box "hide unusable" to put a check in it. It hides all those that you already have and can't use. You select an item you can use and press the "remove one" button. Poof, the "hide unusable" check box is no longer checked and you have to check the box again. Happens every time you remove an item that you have to recheck the box over and over. If this is happening to everyone else also, then I think this should stay checked unless the player deselects it. Yes? No?

  2. Finora Well-Known Member

    Yes, it happens to me as well. Also if there is more than one of whatever the one you removed & added to your collection, that one also shows up a second time in the usable list unless you close the window before rechecking the box. It does show properly that you have collected it if you hover over it/examine it, but it does show up in the list.