Coercer Spell - Channel - Broken?

Discussion in 'Coercer' started by ARCHIVED-CrisuK0M13, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-CrisuK0M13 Guest

    Ok so someone explain this to me and how it makes any sense...
    Channel - Distributes the group members' total combined power evenly among all the members

    This is what happened. I just got this spell, I was bored and wanted to test it out. Soooo, me and my friend are out questing, and we both have roughly the same amount of power (I have 5,438, she has 5,399). We're both down to roughly 80% power, (I forget the actual numbers here, but I had like 81% power she had 83% power). So I use this ability just to try it out, and it takes us both down to 63% power.
    ....Does that make any sense to anyone? Because it shouldn't.
    (Here's a rough example of whats happening)
    If I have 7 apples, and you have 5 apples, and I give you one, we both now have 6 apples.
    But according to this spell and how it works....
    If I have 7 apples, and you have 5 apples, and I give you one, we're both now at 4 apples... What?
  2. ARCHIVED-gatrm Guest

    The spell gets more efficient as you upgrade it, so I could see the apprentice I version possibly doing that.
    To use your example, you are basically taking all 12 apples, tossing them in the air, and magically redistributing them evenly. Unfortunately, if you aren't skilled doing the trick, and have only apprentice level of the spell, you are going to drop some and possibly turn one or two into apple sauce......on the positive side, if you are skilled in doing the trick (Master) then you might even produce a few more apples.
    It's usually used in a group if the tank or healer is out of power and the other group members are mostly full, it's a nice quick boost to the power.
  3. ARCHIVED-Sedenten Guest

    I'll add that as you upgrade the spell further, you end up getting extra power out of the redistribution.
  4. ARCHIVED-Andalla Guest

    Channel redistributes the power equally on a numerical basis at a overall net loss, depening on the level of the spell. At Apprentice there is a very noticable loss, as you saw. At higher levels of the spell (Expert, Master) the loss is negligable. As Gatrm said, its typically to be used when someone vital to the group (ie healer or tank) is extremely low/out of power.
  5. ARCHIVED-wayfaerer Guest

    Sounds like this guy didn't even bother to read the spell description.