Coercer Rotation

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Piirat, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Piirat New Member

    New to playing my Coercer Was hoping to get some general tips/tricks ect ect. Thanks!
  2. Gnik Member

    My suggestion to you would be to start with ACT and a Dummy, while this is not perfect for groups/raids its a great place to start and figure out which are your best hitting/parsing abilities. But to give you a foot up Hostage/Destructive Mind always up and Mimicry and Unda are your top dps ability, so using those at the correct time helps.

    Start there and work on the dummy, then parse in group and adjust, then get gear and adjust more. The post of illusionist ToT raider stats is pretty close for Coercers, only thing in ME, and how I play a coercer, is that WDB is more important than double cast for coercer as most of our abilities don't Double cast.

    Hope this helps