COE - Pre-req requirements ?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Phantomstrk, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Phantomstrk New Member

    As per the topic, I am wondering if there are any quest lines or faction requirements that I need to have done in order to instantly start off with the COE content when it is released.

    If there is could someone kindly share that information..
  2. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    I think you must L92 and have done the start of the signature quest that you get in the mail before you can get into Ethernere. I think. I'm not totally sure. In beta, my copied toon was L92 already.

    I don't know if you can go in at L90 and just do the normal questing and not the sig ones.
  3. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    That new quest that you get the mail about to go see Erus Dal'viv in Freeport's Academy of Arcane Science (or Qeynos' Concordium Tower) is about it.
  4. Cyliena Well-Known Member

    Unexpected Consequences is the pre-req.

    No. Someone copied over a 92 toon today to beta that hadn't done Unexpected Consequences yet and could not get any expansion quests.
  5. Feldon Well-Known Member

  6. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    Ugh, I just got my Swash to 92 today...I've a Wiz and 'Lock next for 92...I'm going to be busy, lol. Thanks for the confirmation, folks.
  7. Mae- Well-Known Member

    This irritates me. Never before were EVERY single quest in an expansion blocked by a quest that appeared before the expansion. I hate, hate, HATE being FORCED to take a quest, every single quest I do should be by choice.
  8. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    It does make sense when you look at the history told by CoE quests. Be aware that the zone quests are strictly linear.
  9. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    And it is a long ardous quest at that, takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete
  10. Tkia Well-Known Member

    How long it takes is totally irrelevant. What is causing the concern is the new tendency to gate new content using older content that used to be totally optional and is now becoming mandatory.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I think the issue is: What are the odds that this quest line will be bug-free?

    It was bad enough to gate the progression of Dungeons in Velious such that each of the 4 sets of Dungeons could be *started*, but none of them could be progressed on launch day. Destiny of Velious had Public Quests to entertain us. If the CoE quest line breaks, that's the ball game.
  12. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Clearly, you don't understand how much I hate having quests forced on me. I quest, when I want, especially when it leads to something I desire. But having quests forced on me, either through relentless pop ups that don't understand the meaning of DECLINE, or having an entire expansion of quests blocked by a short, pointless quest, I don't appreciate being forced into quests that I don't CHOOSE to do. I have 10 characters now, do you have any idea how annoying it is to have to run that same quest a 10th time?
  13. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    I do understand - you have 2 choices

    1. do the segway quest into the new content
    2. don't do it

    I have 4 accounts with a total of 15 level 92 characters and 3 more about to hit 92, did the quest on all 15 and will do it on the 3 new ones. Very minor inconvience to me
  14. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    Well, you'll have to get used to it sadly. The expansion is made off a single questline that sends you through the 2 overland zones. You only have a couple (5 max) sidequests that might have no prerequisites along the way (and even those probably check for unexpected consequences).
    I highly disapprove of this system as I don't like to do the exact same timeline on all my chars. In Witheredlands, you could jump from one hubb to the next, here it's back to SF and run everything if you need something from the pandas. I loathe it, but there will be no choice.

    Feldon: the whole questline was bug free as of last patch apart from zoning into solo chelsith with more than 1 player and the +++ adds in solo Wurmbone Crag (so not quest updates problems but zones problems). The view predicates problems were fixed in the saturday patch for those who do the quest in the right order (those who did, like myself, Obol plains first, are gated, but it won't be possible to do so on live).
    I don't know if all the quests requiring you to land the killing blow were all fixed or not, but a whole bunch of those went through the patch notes (yeah, landing the killing blow if you're a summoner with a merc, or grouped, is a pain).
  15. Solitria New Member

    Really, people complaining about having to do a quest. This is a game. There are gonna be a lot of quests. Just do the stuff to unlock the new content and get over it. =) Or, don't play =)
  16. SteelPiston Active Member

    And....the neck item from the quest is well worth the effort. If you can't be bothered to do "Unexpected Consequences", then breathing or taking a dump must be a real chore.
  17. Belissa Active Member

    And to give us this piece of wisdom, you had to necro a 3 months old post.
    Nice one =P
  18. Gilasil Active Member

    Someone complaining about doing a quest in a game called EverQuest.