CoE Collections and no-trade rewards

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by barkbark, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. barkbark Member

    Hello team,

    I would like to make a quick case for making CoE collection rewards heirloom and not no-trade. There are a bunch of CoE collections, I have completed 16 so far in the hunt for rare rewards for the expansion master collection. Rewards so far have been exclusively jewelry and have been exclusively 170 stat pieces with recycled blue stats for every piece. I have gained through CoE collections 4 earrings with the exact same stats, 4 charms with the exact same stats.. clearly more than I can make use of.

    I understand that historically collection quests yield no-trade rewards to encourage players to complete these collections on multiple characters, thus providing more game play and more in-game-trade. However we have also never had such an obvious copy / paste job regarding itemization before when it comes to collection rewards.

    I want these to be heirloom so I can get some use out of them. My perspective is that the fact i am most likely to continue turning in expensive collections for duplicate rewards i cant use, that I am becoming less enthused and less likely to continue bothering. It's having the completely opposite effect than what I believe to be intended.

    This is an argument against pointlessness, not an argument for making anything easier. Spending time and money sourcing and completing collections to receive the same item you already have from the last collection quest but with a subtly different name isn't a rewarding game play transaction. So please consider making them heirloom and this situation considerably less dumb.

    Thanks for your time and no doubt scathing responses to come.
    Kalderon, Feldon, Guiscard and 3 others like this.
  2. Albanara Active Member

    Have to totally agree with this. I was baffled with the choices on these collections. the items are nice,but the redundancy is killing it.

    Unfortunately,collection rewards are traditionally like you said, no-trade/lore, so i don't know if they would alter the tradition. Would be nice though.
  3. Belissa Active Member

    I completely agree with this.
    I was extremely disappointed when I received a charm that had exactly the same stats as from a different collection; just the item had a different name.
    Cheap and boring way to increase the length of an expansion...
    Guiscard likes this.
  4. Arieste Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Either make unique and different rewards for the collections or make them heirloom. Some of these items have quite nice stats, but i don't need multiple copies of the exact same thing.
    Guiscard likes this.
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    Really I am more for just making the rewards more unique instead of blatant copy-paste. NO-TRADE does encourage more commerce between players and imo if the rewards were not all identical it would be tolorable.

    Itemization has been screwed since DoV really making massive jumps in some areas, trivializing old content exceptionally fast and now Itemization is just plain lazy. Take for example 3 pieces of Raid loot from COE all with Stout (max HP increase) effects that don't stack, so why do 3 pieces have that effect? The only reason I can think is that they want me useing a 192 STR and 198 STA earring from Eriak instead of the 201 STR 207 STA earring from Baelon and Borodass (CoE Temple HM)... yeah great planning there.
    Terein likes this.
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Actually, in recent expansions, many of the gear rewards from collections were heirloom. It's a shame they went with duplicate rewards AND No-Trade rather then Heirloom at the same time.
    Guiscard likes this.
  7. Terein Active Member

    It's this way with a lot of the lower level collections too, same stats just different names. They need to put more work into itemization, players shouldn't have to trade the items to alts to make SoEs failure work for them.

    Speaking of itemization they missed SOOOO many items with the revamp they never fixed. Is a second cleanup pass really out of the question?
    Guiscard likes this.
  8. Regolas Well-Known Member

    Some low level collections I'm sure gave tradeable loot. Only treasured, but you could trade it.
    Guiscard likes this.
  9. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    All the CoE collection rewards should be at least heirloom, so you can pass on the useless gear to alts via the shared bank. Instead, I've transmuted everything that I've gotten as a reward...because none of it is an upgrade...and if it was an upgrade, then it was a minor one and not worth putting new adorns on it.

    All the CoE collection rewards should have come with a unique looking house item that is based on where the shinies came from. If the collection was from Harrow's End, then the house item is based off a graphic that came from that zone. Likewise with the Dreadcutter ship...finish the collection from that get a boat/sea-themed house item.

    If you do decide to go back and add house items to the collection quests, give us an NPC like Shady on the Nek docks, and let us purchase the added house item from him for 1c.
    Guiscard, Rael and Estred like this.
  10. barkbark Member

    Well that was a resoundingly positive response! I'm not sure if we'll be heard but it's nice to know frustration about this doesnt just exist within a bubble.
    Guiscard likes this.
  11. Rael Member

    I agree totally. I was really happy with the upgrade that came from one of the collections (hadn't played the guy for a while and I never raid) but the others were all identical or useless, and all of them on my other toon that ran it the rewards were not worth it except to mute.

    Even from lower levels I have craved an heirloom option, so many times I have picked a toon to give a final collection piece too (often rare) only to find it would have been really useful to another more neglected toon.

    I love the house item idea and doing it through Shady would mean those who wanted it could get it and others wouldn't have their bags cluttered up.
    Guiscard likes this.
  12. barkbark Member

    a few weeks later and another couple charms, multiple belts and duplicate no trade cloaks... please atleast someone tell me why its a bad idea? :3
    Terein likes this.