clear the air once and for all

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-MXGinge, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-MXGinge Guest

    Hey guys i know this is part of many threads found on all forums everywhere and for those who hate to see a post that has been posted before i appologize.
    there are two things i want to get iron clad settled once and for all
    1. at level 80 how much dps should a dirge be doing? solo, group, raid? (not epic, fabled epic, mythical epic)
    2. in addition to #1 does a dirge or troub do more dps?
    3. are a dirges debuffs as good as everyone says end game?

    thank you
  2. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    1) 1000-8000, depending on gear, group, amt of masters, player skill, and a trillion other variables.

    2) depends on many variables.

    3) I dont know what ppl say but yes they are useful.
  3. ARCHIVED-soonerkdspen Guest

    DPS is gonna vary a lot based on a ton of variables.

    Bare minimum level 80 with legendary/mc/T1 shard armor gear a dirge should easily be pulling 1200 in group, 1200-2000 in raid (depending on raid makeup). Solo, I dunno.
    Upgrade to T3 shard armor and a mythical and it should realistically jump to 2000-3000 in group, 2500-4500 in raid (again depending on raid makeup). And solo, no clue.
    In real raid gear (T4 tso set pieces mixed in with other raid items like jewelry and whatnot) the numbers should be around 3500-7000 in group (depends on the fight, is it single target or ae, etc... so there is a wide margin here) and around 6000-10,000 in raid. (depends on raid makeup and the encounter if it is single target or ae).
    In avatar gear it jumps again. I don't have avatar gear so I cannot say for certain the numbers they get in group, but I know that in raid they can get up closer to the 20k mark and pull more than 10k more often than not.

    Everything is highly dependant on gear for dirges. And even with gear, the player has to work for their dps it isn't handed to them so you'll often see dirges (or troubs for that matter) who aren't pulling what they are capable of.
    So the summary of how much a level 80 dirge dpses is (imo) 1200-20k. Not much help huh lol

    As for dirges vs. troubs... Dirges in my experience beat troubs on parses.

    And dirge debuffs are a must for raiding. In groups where mobs die quickly (so long as your group doesn't suck) the debuffs collect dust.
  4. ARCHIVED-Tomanak Guest

    if you are playing /raiding a dirge for the DPS you are on the wrong toon.
    I think if equiped well any dirge can hit 2-3K in raid. Thing is in raid as a dirge your job is to buff the group/debuff the mob not to dps...that belongs to others. If you want to DPS in a raid/group, make a swashy :)
  5. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    Sugota@Butcherblock wrote:
    No, SOE had designed the game from a DPS standpoint its the job of all classes to do DPS now.

    Also Buffing the group happens before you even zone in, Debuffs are done on pull. After that if you're not doing DPS then you're not doing your job as a member of the raid.

    This isnt to say that a Dirge should be putting out Assassin style DPS, but putting out high DPS can be done while still Debuffing, Gravitas-ing, CoB-ing & Rezing.
  6. ARCHIVED-firza Guest

    Sugota@Butcherblock wrote:
    Yes, the primary job of a dirge is to use the utility we get to the maximum.
    After this you have 2 choices.

    1 : slack.
    2 : dps.

    You yourself are the only person who can decide what you want to do.

    I myself found that after doing ALL the utility we can bring to a raid I have PLENTY time left over to try and put out some dps. Not as much as a swash, but a reasonable amount.

    I myself made this the standard of what I expect of myself... This means to me I bring the maximum to my raid. I hope all other raiders in my raid try at least to bring the maximumk to the raid I am in. To me this challange is fun.

    IF I would have people in my raid who would not try to bring as much as possible I would tell them that i do not like this.
  7. ARCHIVED-soonerkdspen Guest

    Androw@Najena wrote:

    Exactly, if all you do is buff before raid begins, and then debuff... you are lazy. Debuffing takes all of 5 seconds give or take if you get resisted. The way that raid mobs are designed, your raid depends on everyone doing multiple tasks in order to achieve success. Dirges do not beat assassins, nor do they beat other dps-intensive classes. However, there is no reason they should not pull their weight. Do what you are truly capable. To stand around after you have cast 4-5 debuffs (taking a total of 5 seconds) is not fair to your raidforce and really gives bards a bad rep. A skilled dirge can pull the numbers I mentioned above all the while debuffing, rezzing, casting gravitas everytime it is available, and doing other duties such as calling ae timers. My utility has always been my number 1 priority and I have never had problems coming up high on the parse. (with the exception of fights in which multiple rezzes are required)
    To me, having to be on my toes and constantly multi-tasking is one of the best parts of being a dirge.
  8. ARCHIVED-MXGinge Guest

    perhaps i should have started a new thread for this one or continued in a previous thread but its along the same line, clearing the air for the PVP dirge,

    when people think of scout they think of sneak up and gank you. in my experience bards cant gank for their life . i have had my fair share of amazing pvp 2 on 7 and me and my fury buddy win and i have had 5 on 1 and my group gets destroyed.
    i guess my question is same as before and i know it varies based on skill and gear etc but whats expected of the solo dirge in PVP?

    thanks again for all your replies
  9. ARCHIVED-dazdncnfusd Guest

    MXGinge wrote:
    In my experience, the role of anything solo in PVP is to not die. However, I'm an EQ2 noob, so it may be different here.

  10. ARCHIVED-Gammeltoft Guest

    Sugota@Butcherblock wrote:
    If this is your understanding of a Dirge, your definitely playing the wrong class IMO. Dirge is very much about dps and if you play your toon seriously, you should do as much dps as you can. A Dirge is not just a buff bot. Peps hinting that Dirge and Trubie is only about buffing have not understood the concept of the Bard in EQ2. (EQ1 was much different).
    Buffing: You get up your buffs at the raid start or after rezz... so thats not a "job". Its something you do 15 sek long after rezz.
    Debuffing: You do that on mob inc... in the first few sec of the fight. Then you dish out all you have, rezzing, gravitasing, healing and what not at the same time.
    I’m not sure if a Dirge out-dps a Trubie. It depends I would say. I have seen Trubie dish out 10k and more. I would say if you have 2 “equally skilled” players playing "equally geared" Dirge and Trubie they will/should do approx. the same dps.
    At the end of the day the dps you do is based on gear, skill and raid setup. If you have the gear and skill and have the "dream group" in raid you can hit 8-10k dps or even more.