Class Survivor SWASH ftw

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-PakMonyet, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    lawl now everyone is gunning for swashies, roar!
  2. ARCHIVED-PakMonyet Guest

    ....the best part is: We're the Center of Attention!!!
  3. ARCHIVED-PakMonyet Guest

    Keep up the voting everyone!
    We're stomping everyone else into the ground.
  4. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Go go swashies, lets go! Rofl Stompin' the competition
  5. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Go go swashies, lets go! Rofl Stompin' the competition
  6. ARCHIVED-PakMonyet Guest

    Just put togather a quick and dirty tally:
    Berserker -20
    Coercer -5
    Dirge -27
    Illusionist -2
    Mystic -4 (btw thats four negative votes and no positive votes yet)
    .....and soooo ...yes we are kicking butt as per usual!!!

  7. ARCHIVED-PakMonyet Guest

    So Kiara just put togather an update to the scores:
    Berserker -25
    Coercer -3
    Dirge -17
    Illusionist -3Mystic -21Swashbuckler 70

    ......come on you Swashies, show your pride and vote! Lets finish the others off!
  8. ARCHIVED-Henge42 Guest

    Don't forget to vote, we're in the final stages and we don't want to slip up now.
  9. ARCHIVED-Oxie Guest

    Time to start firing off our AoEs and taking out the last two remaining classes...the blasted chanters! The swashy haters are climbing up the sides of our ship, and we need to draw our rapiers, swords, daggers, and katanas to defend what is rightfully ours!
    Go vote today...and every day...until we stand on top of the remains of the other 23 classes and go NYAH NYAH NYAH!
    Swashbuckler +1
    Coercer -1 OR Illusionist -1
  10. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Maybe if we just threw our katanas at em . . . hmm
  11. ARCHIVED-Henge42 Guest

    Keep voteing and with any luck it will all be over on Monday.
  12. ARCHIVED-Kayriie Guest

    Its no surprise an easymode class with track would win =] grats tho
  13. ARCHIVED-PakMonyet Guest a sour illusionist or coercer (nebiru) stumbled into our yard!

    Anyway, its just us and the coercers on you Swashbucklers stomp some coercer butt!!!