Class Balance - A woe from a wizard

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Chrexx, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. Chrexx Active Member

    Wizards have been slowly declining over the last 2 years or so since the Stormhold server fell apart.

    1. Fusion, which was 8 targets on Stormhold, is only 3 on Fallen Gate
    2. Manaburn, which appeared to be affected by potency or something on Stormhold, now only does 4 points of damage per 1 point of mana.
    3. Fiery blast, which used to record your damage for 10 seconds and release a nuke, now is a poor temporary buff that barely increases dps.

    This post isn't to complain, it's to try to understand why wizards have been given the short end of the stick when warlocks and OP attacks like lifeburn have been left untouched?

    To make wizards at least comparable to warlocks at this point, I think a few things need to change.
    1. Increase fusion targets to at least 5.
    2. If you don't want to change manaburn, change fiery blast so that it increases your mana by a % of the total damage you do. For example, you click fiery blast, do 200k damage in the 10 seconds that it's recording, and your mana increases by 10% of 200k, or 20k. This would increase the damage of manaburn by 30-33%ish depending on what your current mana already is.
  2. Chrexx Active Member

    Better yet why not make fiery blast the focus casting equivalent
  3. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Despite all these nerfs, I'm still parsing within the other top parsing t1's on the server, so I would say that wizard's are "okay", but we don't really excel in anything, warlocks are better in aoe slightly, assassin is same dps and has higher burst.

    We have ice lash which does 3-5k per target at this point with the AA.

    I'd love for at least manaburn to be un-nerfed considering the nerf bat has been swung like 6 times because of a few people crying on the discord.
  4. Khun New Member

    Just because adoniniilol can barely hang with other T1 dps despite being a wizard guru and excellent player, with all the best possible items up to this point, does NOT mean that wizards are OK. If he was playing a warlock he'd be blowing wizards out of the water. That is not how strong the average wizard is on the server, and is absolutely not a justification to keep dragging wizards through the mud.

    The current state of wizards is broken. All the best abilities have been trashed. Manaburn is now not even worth casting, as it's damage is less than if you continue a rotation of weaker spells. Fiery Blast, our long-awaited ability that was supposed to be awesome and bring us back into the limelight - is complete trash. It has a 2 minute cooldown, barely lands on enemy NPC's, and for each cast it does less than an average Ball of Fire.

    Please fix our new ability Fiery Blast - so there's some strategy in playing a wizard and it's fun. Or fix manaburn to scale with new stats, so it's not obsolete. Or better yet, do both.
  5. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    You have to balance a class at it's maximum potential, if i'm parsing as much, if not outparsing other t1's (which I did a lot last xpac) the class is fine.

    If wizard's can't figure out what buttons to press to reach up to be a good player, send me a message. I'll give you my spreadsheet and my casting order.

    When me/warlock both had UT we were actually tieing on encounter and I was winning on single target by a large margin last xpac.

    I'm just annoyed manaburn is useless, FB is useless, and fusion is still nerfed.

    Top all of this off with ice lash doing 3-5k per person on single target now that the new AA is attached to it.
  6. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    I don't care about manaburn, I don't care about fusion going back to its original state (at least it's range and radius didn't go back to its original state) but I do care about the trashing of fiery blast. It was the best part of playing a wizard by far. Could have at least made the proc good if u insist of dumbing this great spell down into this. Remove the proc restriction on it to start with. And for crying out loud when u completely change an ability change the description of it as well.
    Khun likes this.
  7. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    I beat the warlock. I stopped casting fiery blast because it's useless. If the mob didn't port us I probably could of done upwards of 130-140k on this encounter.

    I have a level 7 familiar that is several seasons old, (I could have 40 more potency from this...) old mount, old clockwork illusion. He has the new one leveled up, new mount, new illusion. More grandmasters from last tier we can't get masters for.

    Last tier master ice comet, like 8-9 experts, and master ice spears.

    Animal Form
    Confront Fear
    Arms of Imagination.
    Dude likes this.
  8. Chrexx Active Member

    What did the warlock parse and what were his buffs?

    On a side now, how is the average hit for your fusion 282k? That's like twice as large as my largest hit ever..
  9. Chrexx Active Member

    My balls of fire average like 50k lul
  10. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Jcap+CF, combined being more OP than anything we had in tier except maybe old VC
  11. Okanagan Member

    This. Buff appropriately. I can't tell you how many dirges i've seen in a PUG WOE who don't even know what CF does.

    Your top 2 T1 DPS should have 100% uptime on Jcap and CF if the bards are doing their job.
  12. Atan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, pretty much its players not understanding how to buff is the biggest issue, after that it comes down to some minor coordination and being able to simple prioritization of abilities. It really, really isn't a 'hard' game.
  13. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    My ball of fire average is higher than that when I'm solo. I don't see how yours is this low. But i'm also at around 400%+ potency in raids when my trixy bracelet, primal fury, etc. all proc to give me more reuse with confront fear, and my other potency procs.
  14. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    I also had a fusion of over 100k back in EoF lul.

    Warlcok was at 102k. He gets UT, confront fear, jcap. He also has trixy bracelet, only buff I get over him is primal fury, but he gets UT. So it's fair.