Chat with your guild!!

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-MDKUK, Apr 22, 2007.


    Chat with your guild is sill Borked for users I see..... cmon SOE when are you guys gonna get your act together? how long has this been broken now?
  2. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    Ooh...well over a year now for most of us. Unfortunately it seems to work perfectly for others so SOE are dealing with effectively an intermittent fault they probably can't replicate their end.

    PLease SOE feel free to PM me and I will let you VNC to my PC and I will show you what happens!
  4. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    You think we're being annoying continually updating this post? Try paying for something that doesn't work and apparently having no-one from SOE care about it. This is NOT an isolated issue and while I accept that maybe SOE are unable to replicate the symptoms, fact is I have been pestering on this issue for over a year and NOT ONE SOE rep has been in touch to discuss the details of the issues I (and many others) are seeing.

    Is there anybody there?
  6. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    [p]No-one unfortunately....[/p][p]Wait a minute...![/p][p]If there's no-one there.....who is eating the chocolate digestives??[/p][p]Hmmm?[/p][p]Hmmmm??[/p]