Charm of the Great Ape

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Kraeref, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    I've looted this charm which has stats for both priests and mages (wis and int) but then in a bag it has restriction to all mages only.

    Here is item
    \aITEM -907924703 1062759257 0 0 0:Charm of the Great Ape\/a

    Is it intentional? Could a dev look at it please? Thank you in advance!

    EDIT: sorry for repeat if somebody has already mentioned it!
  2. Ragna Well-Known Member

    The charm itself isn't class restricted. Look at the red rune, my guess it's a mage only rune. IOW change the red rune and your priest will be able to use it.
  3. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Aha, i didn't even think about a red rune. That's probably it. :) thank you very much!
  4. Crychtonn Active Member

    Another prime example of why the rune should drop seperate from the item . . . . . .
    Hoosierdaddy likes this.
  5. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Yep. Very much confusing :)
  6. Uberfuzzy Member

    If you mouse over the icon in an examine window, you can see the "true" version of that item, with no adorns or reforging.
  7. Hoosierdaddy Active Member

    Yep. Worked just fine in DoV.

    Can understand the need for a game to evolve, but not by haphazardly modifying or "fixing" a system that wasn't broken.

    Not even in theory does the idea of adorns attached to equipment sound good. How did this ever make it beyond R & D?
  8. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Yep. Did that finally after Ranga's reply:) and it was a mage rune.. but very nice one though preventing aoe.

    Now i am thinking to get that disloger to get a rune and an item without destroying it. But boy, is not it too expensive... jeez! :)))