Charm of Bristlebane Being Overridden

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Wacky, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. Wacky Member

    The Charm of Bristlebane spawns 2 pets that deal damage for the wearer, however, if you have another ally in raid/party that procs their own Charm of Bristlebane on the same mob their proc will override your proc. I don't know if this is an intentional mechanic but when you have multiple members in the raid with this charm on, it causes the proc to basically break and deal no damage since each proc gets overridden by someone else's proc before it can deal any damage.

    As an iconic item from difficult and rare avatars this is a bit disappointing and I believe is an oversight.
    Davito, Liberal, DefeatedZ and 10 others like this.
  2. Adeku New Member

    Oh man, yeah I remember that charm being really great. Hopefully it can get fixed!
    Limp, Laud and Alkaline like this.
  3. vexen Member

    Reminds me of the issue we had with the Son of Blades proc in DoV
  4. Ratalthor Developer

    This is currently working as intended, so I am moving this thread to the feedback section.
  5. Liberal Active Member

  6. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Any chance you can explain to us why this is the case?
  7. Maergoth Well-Known Member

    This would make sense if it were a heroic item, like the finger-waggling gloves. That would allow it to be powerful but limit it to a group setting.

    Making a raid drop from the hardest stuff in the game not function in raids seems like an oversight, a mistake, or just.. a really bad decision, especially in a world where shark bows stack just fine. And whirling blades.

    Seems like this goes beyond the "cost" of instanced avatars.